Chapter 6

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The night atmosphere with bright lights filled the room of this  woman's apartment. She's still opening the window, or maybe forgot to close it. But, it seemed that the refreshing wind was highly favored by her. She hasn't turned on the air conditioner in the room, now she's sitting on the soft reclining chair. What is she doing? She weaves the red threads, full of patience and thoroughness, though her flaws are the biggest hindrance here. Those eyes couldn't help Becca knit the scarf, she had depended on her hands all along, feeling and measuring the distance.

She enjoyed the day and took the time to finish the scarf which was quite long, this was a pleasure for her. Usually at this time of night, before going blind , she will read many romantic stories that end tragically. However, she did not expect the love story that she felt in her life. Sometimes, alone like tonight, she wonders if I will ever feel that same love again one day? Maybe, it's not the fruit of the mind, but it's sincere words from a heart that has ever lamented.

Becca remembers what a woman named Freen said that afternoon, 'if it's used by a woman like you, it must be very pretty'. Becca smiled sadly, she wanted to tell Freen that I had worn that beautiful dress, I had been beautiful in that dress. Becca wanted to flaunt all of that to Freen, but couldn't. She didn't even want to admit that she had experienced a failed marriage, it was quite a sad story for her, but for her family, it was a very embarrassing story. But that's all, old story. No need to bring it up again, let alone tell the new neighbor.

Becca put the knitting on the sofa, she wanted to get the cell phone. She put the phone in the corner of the couch, Becca called her mother in Bangkok. But not picked up, Becca was worried now. Becca still held the phone in both hands, she tried to call her parents again, but they still didn't pick up. She took a deep breath, the feeling suddenly appeared, she was worried about her father's health.

Suddenly the sound of the bell rings, Becca never expected guests. Also, she didn't have any friends in Korea, so she didn't know who had set the bell.

It rang many times, it seemed that the person who pressed the bell didn't pause, as if the person couldn't wait to meet the owner of the apartment.

Becca took a deep breath and put the phone back where it was. After that, she walked smoothly, in fact she already knew the room by heart. Items are also not placed carelessly, so there's no need to be afraid of bumping into something and breaking, Becca has thought of everything.

Becca opened the door, and the scent greeted her first. Becca immediately knew who was visiting at this time of night. She didn't open the door wide, just a little. Then Becca said, "What's up?" She didn't ask who are you? Hearing this, Freen smiles, because her presence can be noticed by Becca.

"I need a help." Freen answered curtly, she held back answers like I want to play, or I want to get to know you. If she answered all of that, the door would close again with a bang.

Becca was a little confused, then she asked again, "help?"

"My apartment lights are off, I want to charge my phone." Freen shows Becca her phone, even though it's full, ninety-seven percent battery. She just unplugged the charger . And the problem with the lights? Freen had indeed turned off the lights on her way out of the apartment. So, for her, she only sinned half.

Becca looks doubtful, but she lets Freen into her room. Whether you believe it or not, she can't kick her own neighbor out, that's kind of rude.

Freen entered the apartment with a victorious smile, she managed to get one step closer to the woman she wanted. Her goal now is to make Becca befriend her, even though if God grants her wish right now, she wants her to be her girlfriend. That's Freen.

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