Chapter 11

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Nineteen years ago

Municipality of Interlaken, central Switzerland

A small town located at the foot of the Alps, a woman with flowing hair sits by the window looking at Lake Brienz. The lake carries an air of serenity in every view that reaches it. She moves her hands, those fingers feel like holding a brush to draw what she sees, she learns to imitate all the colors that appear in the corners of her eyes.

The house is warm, unlike outside. But that wasn't the case, she just wanted to be able to draw according to the view she saw. She should be able to imitate, as she has a strong memory. However, it turned out to be difficult.

Mrs. Kim is her guardian to live in this low-pollution city, she is the one who accompanies this poor woman from one year ago. Several teachers came to teach different knowledge, Mrs. Kim did not teach her, she guided this little girl to get out of that dark memory.

"Freen, here." Mrs. Kim prepared the canvas and the four primary colors: blue, white, yellow and red. The little girl not wearing a scarf just watched from where she was sitting, she seemed to whisper to herself 'I can get through this'

Freen stood up from the window view, preparing to sit down in front of the long canvas. The brush is waiting for her not to make any more mistakes. No. Not a mistake, but repeating the incident again. She sat for a long time, looking at this canvas made her forget about the mountains, the sky, the lake and the city. At the edge of the canvas, there was a photo that had been intentionally placed there. This time, Freen had to draw anything that was green, white or blue, nothing else. Freen must pass this stage to get the next session. However, one year later, Freen couldn't make the blue sea blue, nor could she make the mountains green as long as the photo was still in the corner of the canvas.

Before Freen could paint, Mrs. Kim said, "Freen, do all this for yourself and your grandmother." Mrs. kim is standing next to the canvas, she wants to help Freen to get out of that memory, "Freen, learn to forget."



Freen was standing in her kitchen, she spread chocolate jam on the split bread. Little by little, the bun is full of delicious chocolate. Freen enjoyed it instantly, the previously rumbling stomach apparently thanking her.

Today she wanted to plan a trip with Becca, she had it all planned. Becca might not like the plan that Freen made, because again Freen doesn't think that woman is blind. She never thought Becca had any flaws.

Freen wants to take Becca to go to an amusement park, ride an easel, eat ice cream, buy candy, play gunplay and enter a haunted house. One more thing, she wants to ride the ferris wheel , for Freen it's fun, but for Becca maybe not.

Even Freen had already separated what clothes she would be wearing today, she really wanted to enjoy the day or one could say, she wanted to do a lot of things .

Now, she took out her cell phone, she wanted to call Becca. She pressed the green icon, but at the same time there was an incoming message from an unknown number, only writing Freen . Freen hung up on Becca and immediately dialed the unknown number. She felt it was important.

"Hello?" Freen didn't know who sent the message, but she was curious.

"Good morning Miss Freen, I'm Kirk." oh, Kirk. Freen remembered it, she was the one who gave the car keys a few days ago. Freen looked at the car keys which lay on top of the fridge, never having been touched.

"What's wrong, Kirk?" Freen asked in a polite tone, after all Kikr was her grandmother's worker.

"Your grandmother is in the hospital. She-"

Dot Of Life [Eng.Vers] FREENBECKY 𝙂𝙭𝙂Where stories live. Discover now