Chapter 13

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Daily mail: Wimbledon finalist, Florence Bonsee, was darling of the Italian Grand Prix (pictured above). The checkered flag waver and Charles Leclerc seemed inseparable all weekend.


I woke up to the feeling of water droplets hitting my nose. I was confused opening my eyes into the outside light, and was surprised to see Lando and George laughing quietly above. They were dripping a wet tshirt onto my face, and I was about to shoot up and chase after them when the pillow my head was on shifted.

I looked next to me seeing Florence's sleeping face next to mine, she nuzzled further into the pillow. I looked back up at George and Lando who could barely keep their laughs in.

"I'll kill you both," I whispered glaring up at them.

"You two are quite cute," Lando chuckled.

George added, "very PG of you Charles."

I didn't want to move, but I shifted onto my elbow  holding my top half up. I blinked trying to adjust to the light, and I studied George and Lando. They were still dripping wet in their boxers, holding drinks in their hand, and looked absolutely wrecked. "You two are a fucking problem," I tried to be serious but I laughed.

"It's summer break mate, live a little," George teased and they headed back toward the pool chairs.

I shook my head and settled back onto the pillow as gently as possible, grateful Florence didn't wake up to those two. I peaked over to her sleeping soundly. Her half smooshed face against the pillow only inches from me. Her body curled taking up the other end of the couch. My eyes shut as I felt the slight pain of a headache from last nights alcohol, and I was close to falling back to sleep when I heard a door slide open.

"George what the hell, our plane leaves in two hours," Carmen screamed across the yard. My eyes shot back open, and I felt Florence finally move. A small groan escaped her mouth, and her body stretched out. She moved her hands over her eyes and stayed like that for a moment. I needed to speak so I didn't freak her out.

"Good morning!" My voice came way too loud.

"Jesus Charles, you already drink a coffee?" Her voice was thick with sleep, barely a mumble. The reaction was much better than I expected, her mind clearly remembering where she was unlike me. I chuckled watching her bury her face directly in the pillow.

"I would have assumed you're a morning person."

She shifted her head to look at me, her side eye could kill at the moment, but she couldn't hide the amusement in her voice. "Don't test me."

My hand found her hair, ruffling it into a mess. We both then sat up, Florence squinting and evaluating the yard as George ran by with his dry clothes in his arms.

"By Florence, thanks for a great party," George said in a flash before he was inside. Lando was a few steps behind, stumbling his way inside too.

"What the..." Florence's mouth was wide open.

"Let me apologize for them, I'm 100% sure they stayed up all night in the pool." Florence didn't respond, but fell back into her spot on the couch.

My phone dinged in my pocket, it was already 8:30. My plane was leaving at noon, so I knew I needed to get on my way soon. "Ready to check out the inside?"

"Fineee," she said leaning back up. "Thanks for keeping me safe out here."
I stood on the porch with Florence getting ready to say goodbye. Kika and Pierre were already asleep in my car.

When we walked in this morning, the damage wasn't as bad as we thought. Max, Kelly, Alex, and Lily had already left. Carmen managed to herd George and Lando to a called car, getting them out of the way. Clean up took about an hour and Kika and Pierre helped for 30 minutes before they grabbed my keys and vanished. I chuckled when I saw them passed out in the back of my car when I took the trash out.

It turned out to be a good thing they were asleep, giving Florence and me a moment of privacy at the door. I was getting ready to leave and both of us were at a loss for words.

"Thanks for the help," she offered out as a conversation starter.

"Of course, thanks for having all of us."

She shifted her feet, a smile forming on her face. "You know you sleep talk?"

"I'm aware, you know you sleep with your mouth wide open," I offered back. We both laughed staying close. The idea of leaving with no idea of when I would see her again was ruining me, I had to figure something out. "I know we have insane schedules, but we can figure them out and I'll call you?"

The genuine smile stayed on her face. "I can't wait to see you soon," her voice confident. She stepped toward me, my arms wrapping around her shoulders, her arms around my waist.

"See you soon," I repeated and leaned down kissing her cheek. We untangled and I walked to the car.

Pierre stirred when I slammed the door and started the engine. When he heard my huff and saw me run my hand through my hair, he got out of the car and moved to the passenger seat.

"Can I ask you something?" I finally gave in. I needed his advice about Florence.

"Enfin, entrez dans mon bureau [finally, step into my office]".

"I'm serious Pierre, I really like her," I finally admitted to him as I pulled out of the driveway. "We have no official plans to see each other next, and our schedules are equally insane. I want to make this work," I said looking over to him.

He was looking out the window calmly. "Easy, invite Florence to Monaco."


"It's summer break mate, we have 3 weeks to ourselves. Her schedule won't pick up until mid-August. Invite her on our staycation next week."

I sat in silence for a few minutes processing the idea. I was spending a week with my family, then Pierre, Kika, and I planned to stay on my yacht for 5 nights in Monaco and wherever else we decided to venture.

The idea was perfect. "Damn Pierre, that was too easy. Thanks mate." I didn't add how much I hoped she could come, but the idea made me grin.

"Thank god, now Kika and I don't have to deal with your third wheeling," Pierre teased. I ignored his comment telling him I'd call her this week.

Pierre chuckled leaning his seat back, and he closed his eyes again. "For the record, I knew you liked Florence the moment you went to get strawberries and cream."

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