Chapter 14

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My training session with Grace was coming to an end, and we were both left sweaty and exhausted in the mid-July heat. She was a young and upcoming tennis player, and I enjoyed hitting with her when we were both in Italy. My preparation for the US Open wasn't quite here, but I needed to stay in match shape over the next month before training goes to full swing.

My dad was visiting some friends in Norway this week, and I was glad he was enjoying his free time away from Italy.

I moved to Milan a few years ago, and he still lived our hometown of Trieste. He planned to come visit next week to help put together our training plan for the US open in September. Then midway through August, he would be staying in Milan for full time training.

Grace and I just finished our practice and said goodbye, so I walked over to the clubhouse where a trainer was setting up an ice bath. I placed my headphones in listening to music, and I stripped to be in my sports bra and spandex. The cold water surrounded me while I tried to not hold my breath. After a minute, my body went numb making the treatment more comfortable. I was focused on breathing when my phone rang, and I grabbed my cell on the ledge. Charles was FaceTiming me. We've been texting occasionally, but I haven't talked to him since we left Monza 4 days ago.

"Hey stranger," I said with excitement as I accepted the face time.

"Ciao Florence, I'm happy you answered." Charles had sunglasses on his face, and it was obvious he was outside somewhere. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously. I had the phone focused on my chin up, so I held my arms out further expanding the view on the screen. "Ugh, gross," Charles spat out.

"Hey to you too," I chuckled while he laughed back.

"Gross to how sweaty you are, the ice bath looks wonderful just to clarify," he teased.

"Yeah yeah, you up to anything?"

He turned his phone. It looked like he was on a trail, but you could see the Monaco water in the far background. "My brothers and I were going for a walk, by they ditched me for shopping. They should join back eventually."

"The fashionable Charles is not interested in shopping?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.
He let out a nervous laugh looking away from the camera momentarily. I heard a groan escape while his free hand went to his hair. "Yes?" I asked curiously.

Charles looked back down at the camera grinning.  "How'd you know I'm about to ask something?"

"Your poker face needs some work, and it's a good thing you can't mess with your hair during a race," I teased back.

"I'm sure my hair is still perfect under the helmet," he smiled. I gave him a long mmhmmm, waiting for him to talk. "Okay okay, are you up to anything this upcoming week?"

I hummed thinking of my schedule, I even pulled up my calendar on my phone. The only thing that was on schedule was my dad coming to talk about training. "Nothing that can't be changed," I offered back.

Charles smile grew, "you sure?"

"Yeah, take it as my two week offseason. I can reschedule a pointless meeting for a week, or I can meet remotely if my coach has anything to say. My dad can get over it," I said. "But why do you ask?" I caught myself getting back to the point.

"Well," Charles began clearly nervous. "It's our summer break too, and I know time off will be rare for both of us, especially when it overlaps. So, I was wondering if you wanted to come to Monaco?"

My eyebrows raised, trying not to show the shock I was feeling. I was betting on Charles asking to go somewhere, but not Monaco.

"Earth to Florence?"

I finally found my voice. "Did you say Monaco?"

Charles chuckled nodding his head. "Monte Carlo, Monaco."

"Sorry, I'm just a little surprised! It was the last place I was thinking you'd say," I decided to share.

"I know, most of us don't like to travel in our summer break. We only have so many chances to be home," Charles said back.

"Not that my answer would change, but what will we be doing?"

"Pierre, Kika, and I are going to spend the week on my yacht. We will hang around Monaco, but if we want to venture to anywhere close enough we can. Especially if you have any special requests."

I shook my head not believing what I was being offered. "One second," I held my finger up putting my phone down. I pulled myself out of the tub, wrapping the towel around me trying to gather my response.

My mind went racing in those few seconds. A week with Charles, no tennis or racing distracting us. What if we realize whatever we have doesn't work? The question that made me more fearful came next. What if we find out this really works, what then?

I quickly pushed away the thoughts, making sure they wouldn't persuade me from what I was feeling. I grabbed the phone making sure it was back on me, my answer simple. "Count me in."

Charles had taken off his sunglasses, and I watched while his serious face turned into a bright smile. I couldn't wait to see those green eyes.
"Florence are you sure?" My dad was exasperated over the phone. This phone call conversation was not going the way I expected, but I was busying myself with packing to keep from getting frustrated.

"Dad, we only get so much free time. I'll keep my workouts up, I can even get on a court if needed, and we can just make my schedule the week after. If that's the only thing I'm missing, I don't see how this is a bad idea."

"Because you're being unrealistic," his statement caught me off guard completely. Now I was getting angry.

"Now you're being ridiculous." I shot back.

"So what, you're going to balance your tennis career with an f1 career. Whenever you get a chance you'll fly out to Monaco or fucking Asia to see a guy. Florence, you're in the prime of your career. It's not about one trip, it's about your priorities..."

I cut him off. "Of eating, sleeping, and breathing tennis, some life dad."

I heard him sigh, trying to cool off. "Kiddo I know it's not fair, and I know I can't talk you out of this. I just want you to me smart with your decision making before too many emotions get involved. Charles seems wonderful, but I don't want to watch you sacrifice your career for some fancy car driver."

"I need you to be my dad, not my coach," my voice cold.

"Well then have fun and be safe." I could tell he had more to say, but he managed to keep it in.

"I'll see you after the trip," my voice flat. His goodbye didn't hold much emotion either.

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