Chapter 38

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Daniel kept his arm around me, pushing me towards the tournament director who was leading us to their office. All the media were gone, but I could tell something was not right. The workers around the office would look up then quickly try to busy themselves when they realized it was me. A few offered sympathetic smiles. I had no idea why, but I was damn ready to find out while we got herded into the office.

"If you all would stay here, I'll make sure there's an easy way for you to leave," he instructed. "I'm sorry for the current events."

He left Daniel and I, and I immediately turned to him once his arm left me. "Where's my dad?"

"I don't know."

"What are they all talking about," I went with next.

Daniel sighed sitting on the couch by the door. "Florence, I need your dad here."

"And I need to know what the hell just happened," I shot back. "What is the article? Sounds like I'm the only one who doesn't know."

"That and probably your dad," Daniel let out quietly.

I sat next to Daniel, my patience was going quickly. "Let me see it."

"Florence I don't think it's a good idea. You should see your dad first. The two of you can work it out."

I took a deep breath, Daniel didn't deserve the anger I was feeling. "Let me see your phone, I don't think I'll ask calmly again," I said with my jaw clenched.

Daniel glanced up at me, his eyes taking in my posture and expression. In that moment, he seemed to understand that my request was the only time I would remain calm while asking. I watched in silence while he pulled his phone out and pulled up the texts from his wife. He ran one hand through his hair nervously while he handed me the phone. "Holly sent me the link when you were warming up. I didn't show it to anyone yet and was only able to read the first paragraph . My guess was we would be able to talk about it as a team at some point after."

"Well you guessed wrong. The media got there first," I snapped back. I shook my head trying to apologize, Daniel giving me a soft smile to show he understood.

"I'll just be right outside the door," he sighed standing up while my eyes already shot to the screen.

I quickly tapped on the link, ignoring the picture and title about family secrets. I felt like my eyes were on fire reading the subtitle once the article was open. New information released about Michelle Bonsee's death and the disaster that surrounded it.

Daniel was right that I should wait for my dad, but I continued to read the words. Reports that Michelle did not die on the scene. A lost pregnancy during emergency surgery. The loss of a future sibling, ringing in my ears. The words became blurry as tears built in my eyes and sadness began to sink in, but the next section sent me to anger. On the day of the accident, police reports state that the couple was seen arguing at a restaurant. Patrons reported that cheating allegations were brought up loudly at the table with a close source stating Gregor had come close to another woman beside his wife in the months leading up to the accident.

I dropped the phone into my lap not wanting to read anymore. The tears were staying in my eyes at the moment as I processed the few paragraphs I was able to read.

"Daniel," I said loudly.

He poked his head from around the door as calm as possible.

"I want to leave."

"We're almost out of here, the director should be back any second," he offered out. "Are you okay?"

"I want to leave Australia now. Can you help me get a flight home as soon as possible," I asked.

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