(Translation) 3: The Butler And The Shogun

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The recent days had been exhausting and frustrating for Lie Ren. The events that were shaking Nagazora, his hometown, were hard to ignore. As a helpless bystander, he was inundated by media headlines, portraying the fall of Raiden Ryoma, Massive Electric's reputation on the decline, the Great Upheaval affecting the entire community, and the inevitable reckoning to come.

Throughout the news, the charges and accusations against Raiden Ryoma, the leader of Massive Electric, were endlessly amplified and debated. The magnitude of the situation was overwhelming, and Lie Ren was tired of seeing how his mistress's life was affected by these events. The sadness and stress on his mistress's face reflected the emotional weight she was bearing due to the complications of the venture and Ryoma's sullied reputation.

Lie Ren had witnessed the hard work that Raiden Ryoma had put into Massive Electric. He remembered the days when the company was at its peak, and now, seeing it in the midst of chaos was heartbreaking. Moments of uncertainty and anguish had become commonplace in his daily routine.

 Moments of uncertainty and anguish had become commonplace in his daily routine

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On his way, Lie Ren pondered how things could change. While she could not directly influence the events that unfolded on a large scale, she knew that she could offer support and comfort to her mistress in these difficult times. In addition, he was driven to find ways to help the Nagazora community cope with the Great Upheaval and its aftermath.

In the midst of uncertainty and adversity, Lie Ren found a quiet determination within himself. Although he could not change the course of events worldwide, he was determined to do everything possible to ease the emotional burden on his mistress and contribute, as much as possible, to improve the circumstances of those who were being affected by these events.

With this new perspective, Lie Ren prepared to face the days to come. Although the media storm continued to rage around him, he was determined to be an unwavering support for his mistress and a positive force in the Nagazora community as they faced these difficult times together.

His expression broke into a frustrated scowl before calming down.

I had work to do.


"Mei-Sama, you have to wake up"

And then I walk in without caring.

In the big bed there was a young woman with purple hair and indigo eyes, the young woman was covered by a thin sheet and had pink pajamas.

Ren went straight to the young woman on the bed,
unaware that the upper garment on Mei's body was opening when she turned around.

Poking her nose with my finger I try to wake her up.


"Mmm... just 5 more minutes..."


"I got it, I got it..." He muttered before going back to sleep.

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