2/5:The Hunter who follows the Valkyrya...oh upside down?

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"So where are you from?"

"I'm from Europe."

"How old are you?"


"Where are you going?"

"A Nagazora."

"What a coincidence, I go there too! Look, we have a lot in common!"

Jaune walked alongside his new companion, Kiana Kaslana, an interactive young woman with white hair and blue eyes, who circled around Jaune while asking him questions.

Jaune answered all the questions without giving them too much importance; It was like dealing with a little sister or even a daughter. Jaune knew that she could be his daughter, after all, she looked much younger than she really was. Not only had she lived for years in Remnant and Ever After, but it is also worth noting that she had lived several years in this world. Mentally, she was as old as Remnant's humanity. After all, she was born from humanity.

Despite this, Jaune avoided some questions.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"


"What's your type of girl?"

Jaune stayed silent, but looked at Kiana for a millisecond before walking again. She didn't want to give Kiana hope by revealing that she was attracted to girls with white hair and blue eyes.

Jaune sighed as he walked. It was still about two months' walk to Nagazora, and he couldn't afford to waste his meager savings. He was burdened with moral debts to do so.

Kiana seemed annoyed when Jaune didn't answer her question, but her mood quickly changed.

"I'm from somewhere full of snow," she said.

Jaune nodded with a smile.

"I'm also going to Nagazora. I lost my stinky old dad's credit card, so I'm going on foot."

"Oh I see."

"I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, I never had one."

Suddenly, Jaune felt like he was a little out of place.

"And my type of man is tall, blonde, blue-eyed and strong."

Jaune's smile twitched before he tried to ignore that last comment.

[It couldn't be a simple coincidence, right?] Jaune didn't believe it. After all, he too had fallen in love at first sight with Weiss.

[ I'm not a lolicon], Jaune thought. Having fallen in love with Weiss, despite being millions of years old in Remnant, he didn't count. He himself had decided to separate from ARK to lead a human life before eventually dying.

Suddenly, Jaune heard a rustling sound, he stopped and looked at Kiana, who avoided his gaze with an embarrassment-filled blush on her face.

[AHHHHH! What a shame, right now you have to betray me, my stomach!?] Kiana wailed in her head, realizing that she was trying to get Jaune's attention the whole time and forgot that she had hunger.

"Hehe... Are you hungry, Kiana?" Jaune surprised her with a small laugh before asking her.

"NO!...I-I say YES!...I-I mean...." Kiana lowered her head and nodded. But she remembered something, her secret weapon.

"But don't worry! I have some food in my suitcase here," Kiana said, always carrying plenty of instant noodles with her in case of emergency. After all, they were her favorites.

"Here, admire this bowl of premium instant noodles!" Kiana proudly showed off the rather large bowl with one hand.

[Now admire my greatness and fall before my feet! You will soon be my Waifu! Just like Dad taught me!] Kiana opened her eyes expecting to see shock on Jaune's face, but all she saw was a look of contempt at her bowl.

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