Chapter 26: Next Step

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Imperial Palace, Esthirant, 8:07 PM

Kaios couldn't believe what he was about to tell Remille and Ludius. As quickly as it started, Italy managed to put down Louria in such a short time that it would've been apocalyptic for them. In just 9 whole hours, Louria's armed forces were decimated, and the king along with some of his lackeys were arrested.

He could only hope that the royal family had a sufficient dinner. Maybe they wouldn't be so rash with their reactions once he tells them the news. As he approached the throne room, a nearby guard opened it up for Kaios as there, Ludius and Remille sat in their thrones. Ludius yawned before he spoke in boredom, "Director Kaios. Didn't expect to see you so soon..."

Remille meanwhile simply crossed her arms, "Well, with you here I'm sure you've brought some news regarding the ongoing war in Rodenius. Any updates?"

Kaios bowed and nodded. With two files in his hands, he approached the two royalties and handed the documents over as he cleared his throat, "The war is over. Italy has defeated Louria."

The two royalties looked to Kaios in surprise, at each other, and then the files handed to their hands. They both read its contents as Remille scanned the words, her eyes could only get even more covered in dread, "The war ended in... 9 hours!? Much of Louria's soldiers killed or missing... Majority of its navy sunk, military-trained wyverns almost endangered... Hark arrested!?"

Kaios nodded, "It seemed like the Italians used a precise knife rather than just swinging a huge axe. They put down just the military and caught Hark himself. There have been minimal civilian casualties as far as I've heard."

Ludius rubbed his chin in amusement, "All that power yet they limit themselves by a lot..."

Remille looked to Ludius and realising that he was in 'that' look of focus, she immediately changed the subject, "So what happens to Louria then? Does Italy take over? Or does that other barbarian nation take over?"

Kaios shook his head, "Well... Louria would lose its vassals and have a minimal military. And... apparently they'll be crowning someone new. A queen this time around."

"A queen?" Ludius said, skeptical, "That fool king does not have any relatives, doesn't he?"

"A child, your highness. We expect her coronation to be in a couple months," Kaios said. "Louria will remain an independent nation as far as I'm concerned but will pay heavy reparations to Qua-Toyne under Italy's watch... on paper it would seem that Louria, or even Rodenius as a whole is now in Italy's sphere of influence."

"Bothersome. I see..." The emperor muttered, "Anything else?"

"Er, well... Italy was still waiting for us to permit them on the oil deals. But they have seem retracted them for an unknown reason," Kaios explained. "This is due to the stubbornness of the slaves and monopolies up north. They refuse to leave their lands behind. If Italy were to find out we engage in slavery, they certainly wouldn't react well."

"How annoying... well, try to find a way to get them back, Kaios. A few nobles have been complaining that their fuel for their cars are slow to arrive and expensive, including mine," Ludius said with a frown.

Kaios nodded, "Yes, your majesty... but that's about it. I will update you of any new developments."

"Very well. You're dismissed," Ludius said. With that he watched Kaios leave the throne room before the emperor side deeply, "Great... we lost our opportunity in Rodenius. Knowing them they'll probably try to contact the other barbarians in the sea."

Remille crossed her arms, "What about the war plans for Riem or Marl? Those still seem viable options, right?"

"Sure but the problem is we chose Altaras and Fenn for a reason... they were tiny islands. We have strong navies but our land forces are still lacking. It will take some extra time until the preparations are done," He said with a frown.

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