Chapter 30: Arrival

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Approaching Tormeus Airfield, Walled City of Tormeus, Three Weeks Later, 7:23 PM

The Christmas holidays were usually the days that much of the Italian Armed Forces would be on their leave to be with family. But onboard a C-27J Spartan, soldiers lined up inside as they sat in their respective places. Much of them casually lounged about as they waited to reach their destination. A gruff man with a light scruffy beard and short hair sat in his seat as he read a book in his hands. It was his personal copy of the Bible, and around his neck was his cross.

Michele Luci had a lot more downs than ups in his life. The reason with him being deployed during the holidays was that he volunteered for it. He had nobody waiting for him, or to wait for. A hardened man who worked for the Guidicelli Crime Family, he found his hope when he rediscovered his grandmother's old Bible during the worst night he's endured. And he has since vowed to change his ways as he opted to use his skills for the Italian Army.

Beside him was a younger recruit. Gina Setti was a relatively new member to the group. Sporting black hair, and fair skin, her brown eyes curiously watched Michele read his Bible as she tapped her foot against the floor. Gina had finished basic training and was now well on her way to her first serious mission. So she wanted to be on the good side of her comrades. So with a little smile, Gina spoke, "You've come prepared, haven't you?"

Michele looked to Gina. He then adjusted his position in his seat as he spoke, "This isn't just for the field... I've had this Bible in my hands ever since I was a little boy." He explained simply as he read the book's page.

"Ah... I thought you only brought that since we're being stationed in some demon place. Even my mother tried to convince me to wear a cross but I'm not exactly the religious type," Gina said with a shrug.

"Everyone has their personal choice. But a cross during this time is not such a bad idea," Michele said as he closed his Bible after a bit of motion sickness hit him. "Your name is... Setti, yes?"

Gina perked up at that before she smiled brightly. It felt nice that at least someone remembered her. Not like she remembers the others anyway, except for Michele, "Yes sir. And you're lieutenant Luci, right?"

"That's right, young lady. Nice to meet you more properly," Michele said as he shook Gina's hand who nodded.

Suddenly the intercom of the plane crackled to life. Every soldier inside stopped what they were doing as in humour, the pilot spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. We're now approaching Tormeus Airfield for landing. Kindly stow away your tables and in-flight entertainment as we're about to land shortly. Please buckle as we will be landing in a moment. Thank you for flying with us on ITA Airways."

The soldiers inside laughed a bit at the joke announcement which included Gina who did as she was told. Michele was less so, instead quietly buckling up as everyone now looked outside any window they could.

The Doors to the World changed drastically during the past month. Instead of the ancient Roman fort the soldiers saw on their debriefing, the castra has gotten an upgrade. The dark torches of the street were dwarfed by the bright lights on the walls as the watch towers looked to be thicker and bulkier. There was scaffolding all over the walls as the north side of the fort seemed to have been prioritised due to it being rebuilt and upgraded by the Italians. There were way more modern equipment on the ground, as new structures popped up, meant to house the Italians behind the walls.

Outside one of the barracks, Dante watched the C-27J descend onto the air field beyond the walls, which last he saw was nothing more than a concrete lot of tents. Three weeks was only enough time to build some structures and upgrade the walls, he thought.

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