31. Fear

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Zanvil's POV;)

She left me and headed towards the room where the party was going. Steven laughed out loudly while I glared at him.

"You should look at your face when I said she saw me naked" he said and started laughing again.

"Shut your fucking mouth if you want your teeth Steven. And stay the fuck away from her." I said clenching my teeth. I would have definitely killed him if he was not my friend.

"God. You are so whipped Zanvil." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and headed towards where she went. He also came with me. As we went inside Amelia came and dragged him somewhere. I went in further and searched for her that's when I heard some screechy sound. "Baby" A woman wearing a small skinny dress came towards me and put her hand around my arm.

"Who are you?"

Her face went down but she said "Don't you remember me? I'm Jessica, six months ago we fucked in your hotel. Trust me you are so good and I don't mind going -"

"But you are not. Now leave me the fuck alone." I said as she looked at me shocked.

But she didn't leave me and continued to touch me. Fuck her, all I need right now is Lara.

When her thoughts came to mind, I looked around searching for her. But when she came to my view, I felt hurt. All I want to see right now is blood. She is dancing with kayden. I told her to stay away from him but no she has to disobey me again. I know that kayden has some feelings towards her and I don't want to hurt him in any way.

When her eyes met mine she looked angry. Then I felt a hand over my chest and I realised what she is angry about. And then I did a stupid thing ever.

I grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her outside. When we went outside I turned towards her. She's smiling happily. I snatched her hands away from me and said calmly. "I want you to leave me the fuck alone. Trust me I don't want to kill any whore today." Her face turned from happy to fear. She walked away from me hurriedly.

I went outside where the ball was going. I took some whiskey from the server and gulped it placing the glass again on the plate.

A few minutes later some of my business partners came to talk to me. I controlled my anger and talked to them while thinking where the fuck is Victor. He was the one who always took care of these men but tonight he decided to disappear somewhere. I'm going to kill that fucker.

Suddenly I heard a gun shot and at the same time a girl jumped on me. I grabbed her waist preventing from falling while she breathed on my ear. "Lara?"

"P-penthouse" she whispered and faint in my arms. Immediately my guards surrounded us to protect us.

I lift my one hand from her to see it is fully covered in blood. She got a bullet wound. My hands started to shake. I immediately lifted her in my arms only to get shocked. Her front is full of blood. Her dress is red in colour. Now all I'm feeling is fear.

Fear of losing her.

I can hear my family's voice telling me something but I can't hear anything clearly. It's like everything around me went silent. Like time stopped.

Suddenly I felt sting on my cheek. Looking ahead I saw that it was Steven who slapped me. He yelled at me. "SAVE HER"

It's like something snapped in me. I started running to the exit towards my car carrying her in my arms. I get in the backseat with her while Steven gets in the driver seat. He started to drive so fast.

I placed her in my lap hugging her close to me. I put my hands on her cheek as my breathing came out uneven. I placed my forehead on her and whispered "please.."

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