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"there's nobody else in this world who's more disappointed in me than myself."


after running around and taking her cough drops to heal her throat, [name] was back to business and ready to kick some ass.

well, not really since she can't use her ability again for probably the next three days if she doesn't want to bleed from her throat to death.

at the very least, she can talk normally now without sounding like that lady snail from monsters inc.

'i forgot what i was doing again.'

[name] teared up like a lost child, looking around the silent street as she tried to figure out what she was doing there in the first place.

'not again... and between short periods of time too? c'mon, think..! we came to save the old mayor... luffy challenged buggy to a fight...  zoro fought the acrobat guy and won... and then what? i can't remember...'

she sat down on the dirty floor, hugging her knees as she frowned, crocodile tears gathering on the corners of her eyes.

"ugh, i hate forgetting... why am i like this.."

she began re-thinking everything that happened, trying her best to come up with an answer as to why and how she's here, but to no avail, her thoughts would always trail off once she reached the part where zoro won his fight, as if a part of her memory was snatched out of her head.

"how do i get rid of this...? i'm... pathetic..."

the comical crying slowly disappeared, and there sat a vulnerable girl, her lips tugged in a sad frown as she attempted to remember and remember, but nothing worked and her frustration ensues.

you should really get that checked out, [name]!

but we don't have money...

i'll earn us money!

she touched the side of her head gingerly, covering her left ear and lightly caressing it.

"why is it so hard to remember things i wanted to do... when i keep getting these nonsensical memories...? i hate this..."

the sound of distant battles echoed from afar as she buried her face in her arms, hugging her legs close to her.

it had been awhile since she felt this way. with luffy around, she never had a moment to belittle herself and feel bad for her circumstances, but now that her vulnerability attacks her when she's nowhere near the boy, she's not sure what to do.

she wasn't even aware that she's depending on luffy that much, and the realisation left an alarming feeling in her chest.

'what if luffy and i are no longer together...? what if we chose different paths...? no, that won't happen, right?'

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