• Chapter 05 • The Plan

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Here's another update everyone..

Anastasia's POV (Edited)

Two weeks!! It's been two weeks since I got scolded off by my one and only brother. Two weeks since he's been acting cold and off with me. Two weeks since I have been trying to negotiate with him upon the task he had apparently giving me. Two weeks since me trying endlessly with the same result.

No response...

Kayden had completely shut me off after that horrific interaction between us. He had made his agenda to ignore me. Truthfully, it really hurts. The way he disregard me is beyond my rationality. He treated me like a I'm a god damn mere lady. He doesn't treat me with an ounce of respect.

Since that day after the fight, I have been planning day in and day out about the various ideas and adequate plan for entering into Aaron's building. If I need the Mitchell's to work with me then I have to be present at the Atkinson's twenty four seven.

But that's the issue. How can I be present there twenty four seven. Our families are on very pleasant terms. Note the sarcasm. I can't just show up there without getting any suspicious eyes. Aaron would definitely concludes that there's something fishy and my plan would be done and dusted without even starting.

I groaned loudly and pulled my hairs. I don't care if I gone bald after literally pulling my hairs after every second. I freaking don't know how to work my next step. Ahh!!! Why can't I think of something.

The doorbell to my penthouse rang. I was currently sitting in my room wearing my night wear. It's Sunday and almost close to 7. I walked out of my room and to the door. I checked from the camera and saw Sarah standing there.

I opened the door and her always smiling face came into my view. Sarah is a 5'6 tall woman. She had an olive skin and her beautiful dark brown hairs really complimented her skin. She wiggled her hands infront of me and I noticed that she was holding paper bags in her hands. I took the bags from her hand and let her enter inside.

She closed the door on her way and followed me into the kitchen. As I placed the bags on the kitchen counter, she spoke up

"I thought you might be in need of a company."

Her always considering nature will be the death of her. She always kept thinking of everyone. Sarah is that woman who can sacrifice her own happiness for someone who doesn't even care for her. She is just that innocent. She is a light to this dark world.

I smiled appreciately before thanking her

"Thank you so much for always thinking of me, Sarah."

She just shrugged her shoulders and stated casually

"Well, I partly did it to try the latest burger. I don't want to eat it alone."

The other thing is that she will never admit that she secretly cares for me. It's just too great for her to admit. I laughed before taking out the food from the bags. I turned to her before speaking

"Why don't you take the drinks in the lounge? I'll bring the food there."

She hopped off the counter and opened the fridge. She took out the cans and went towards the lounge. I poured the food into the plates before also making my way to the lounge..


"I don't understand why he's behaving like that?"

Sarah muttered before popping a fires in her mouth. I just shrugged and defended

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