• Chapter 25 • Home

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Hey guys, here's the new update

Anastasia's POV (Edited)

I couldn't form my surroundings. I only remembered myself being lifted up in strong arms. I remembered snuggling up to the earthy, manly smell that radiates from the source that had me lifted. Then I remember keys juggling. It only disturb my peace so I groaned before nuzzling my head into the same source again.

Some sort of a chuckle I heard, perhaps.

But I was too gone to register what it was. Soon, enough I could smell the dust, and old furniture smell. I felt my surroundings getting more blur. I was awake since last night doing last minute packing and conversating with Kayden and Sarah. My brain is too lazy now to register what's happening.

But instead of getting alarmed by my lack of sense, I was too calm. Too serene. It's like I'm where I meant to be. So, I close my eyes again and let the darkness consumed me once again.

The next time, I squint open my eyes, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. The white marble ceiling was different from the one beige textured ceiling in my apartment. I sat up straight on the bed which was so soft by the way.

I stretched my arms and legs before sitting up straight. I finger combed my hairs before realizing that I fell asleep during the drive here. Who took me here? It didn't take long for me to guess who.

Of course it was Aaron. Who else can it be?

I stood up instantly from the bed. I walked straight to the bathroom to look a little presentable.

I may be rich but I don't wake up looking like a chanel model straight out of a vogue cover.

I did my usual skincare routine and combed my hairs. I was dressed in a loose pajama set with an oversized t-shirt to follow. My hairs were tied in a loose braid. I descended down the stairs. The house still looked the same as ever before.

Only a little bit of interior is changed. Otherwise, the whole furniture, decorations, paint were same. It's like no-one came here after what happened.

I crossed the cozy looking living room that was initially designed my Aaron's mother, Layla. She once loved the homey atmosphere this farmhouse gave. Until, she thought that being a rich wife going on a dozen kitty parties and bluffing about her inheritance is more appreciable than a simple kind hearted human.

I walked ahead and headed straight to the dining room. The same room that was once filled with chatters, laughter of all of us. The same room where we all were a family. A single one family. Where no business title, no position or power mattered.

Only us mattered.

The once occupied dining room was now empty with dust particles and reminesce of past to be it's seater. A feeling of guilt, longing appeared in my chest. Will what happened back then wouldn't happen if my grandad not decided to be greedy? What will be our future now? So many questions with no answers.

I heaved a deep sigh. What's done is done. No-one can change the past no matter how much tried. I once try to and look where it took me. I can't let my emotions took over me. This house is of course filled with memories of our time together here. But that's what it is.

I have to remember myself again and again that the past can be never repeated. I can't be hoping for it when I know clearly that nothing would go back to normal ever again.


I heard clattering when I was on my way to the kitchen. As I entered inside, the view infront of me made me halt at the doorstep itself. Aaron was standing there bare chest cutting the vegetables. His hands movement were rapid and skilled. Like he's been doing it since so long that it had become normal for him.

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