• Chapter 12 • Working

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Aaron's POV (Edited)

Another day means another wave of work, meetings and what not. It's been atleast half a month later since I signed the deal with the Mitchell's. They had yet to give us a project to work on. They're still not able to decide about on what project should my company work on.

When I told you all that Mr. Mitchell took his decisions very slowly and calculated that's what I meant by it. He's still trying to accommodate into our company. He's been working for years with the Richmond's and now that he's suddenly working with me, I totally understood what he must be dealing with.

I'm meeting him in a short of span of time and I hope he will grant me the project I so dearly wants. I have my eyes on the renovation of his theme park. It's a humongous park with a never ending tourists list. His theme parks are world famous and I got my eyes on that park. I have been working really hard for that one project. I will do anything to have it to me.

I glanced at my outfit today. I am wearing a navy blue colored pants and suit with black shirt tucked underneath. I combed my hairs and randomly my gaze went to the photo frame sitting idly on my dressing table.

Just seeing that frame brought out the memories I kept hidden inside the back of mind. It was a picture of me and Anastasia. We were both in our teenage years. We were sitting on the patio of the farm-house. We both were smiling at the camera and I had my arm leisurely wrapped around her. She was close to me and we both looked carefree.

That was the last photo of us together where after everything went downhill. Now, we can't even stand each other. But I can't deny the same pull I felt towards her since always. Times may have changed but my feelings for her haven't. I don't know if she felt the same thing for me too but I'm sure that a prominent piece of my heart still belongs to her and only her.

I sighed before shaking my head. That was the past. Remincinsing in the memories won't bring back the times we both spent together. I need to sort out my emotions. She's currently working with me. I have given her loose for so long. I have to keep an eye on her. I need to know her motive of coming here as soon as possible.

I grabbed my phone and called Donna. When she picked up, I informed her

"Keep the finance department ready for the meeting. Also, our architects should be in the meeting room when I reach. I don't want anyone to be late."

She assured me. But before she could hang up, I spoke again

"But don't let Anastasia know about this. Just keep her busy in some other task."

I have successfully kept Anastasia away from this deal. I had given my everything to this deal. I won't let her take it away from me. Donna replied in positive before I hang up. I exited my room and descended downstairs.


I was eating my breakfast in pure silence. It's hard to have peace in this house especially with two adults who are hell bent on destroying it. But today I was lucky enough to have the whole dining area to myself. I can't tolerate those people early in the morning.

Ms. Jill smiled before placing my cup of coffee on the table. I smiled at her in appreciation before thanking her. She just shook her head and stated

"It's good to see you having your breakfast."

A chuckle left my lips. I shrugged before joking

"Well, consider myself lucky."

She also laughed but her laugh was short lived as she saw someone. I turned my gaze to the front door and cursed underneath my breath. I looked at the person before he smirked down at me and settled onto the dining chair.

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