[18] Bound To Living

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"Good afternoon, princess." Freya finds herself trapped in a dark room with four figures, faces hidden behind hoods.

"What is this place! Where am I!?" She squirms and struggles, but her body feels bound. "My father will take all your lives without hesitation if you don't let me go now!"

"Stop whining already, your father's pawns won't show up till the next half moon." Astaroth groans. "How about this, you answer our questions and we let you go."

"Questions? What is there to ask me? I don't know anything of my father's political agendas. So let me go already!" She makes useless attempts to wiggle out of her state.

"It's not about the king." Vixen says, his voice stern and strong. This alone made Freya shrivel, her toes curling inwards and her breathing turns weak.

"We'll start with this. Your situation, how do you keep showing up after you've clearly been decapitated? Is that some sort of magic?" Asks the first man to speak.

"I—i don't know. I swear! Every time that girl kills me I wake up in my bed after some period. That girl." She bites her lip, drawing blood. Her eyes look familiar. Grey, cold, unrelenting gaze.

For a split second, the shadows revealed Clarissa's grim stare that draws out a darkened soul. The chill paralyzing her, a haunting force crawling up her skin, and rage.

"You! The cunt that keeps killing me!" Freya could only form a fist but do nothing.

"You wake up like nothing has happened?" Orias questions, ignoring the fit of rage being presented towards their comrade.

"Yes. I feel the same, I am the same. Just let me out of here so I can get a go at that bitch!" She screams.

Clarissa places her hand on her blade, ready to draw.

"Wait." Astaroth says softly, placing his hand over hers. Cold like the eyes that stared at the cliché garbage excuse for royalty. "And what happens to your body after getting killed?"

"I do not know. None of my bodies have been found."

"Then it'll be more use to kill her here and watch her decompose." Clarissa grits her teeth, clutching the handle of her weapon tightly.

"Your outstandingly stubborn ability to stay alive aside, how about your attitude? Why do you treat everyone like scum."

"Because everyone is scum. Including all of you! Even if you kill me here I'll just come back to life!"

"Then tell me, does it not hurt to die over and over again."

The princess spits before them. "Why not try it for yourself and tell me how it feels."

Clarissa steps forward, having heard enough. There was something too out of character coming from the princess. She's stupid, mean, and simply dies after Astaroth has had enough. This one is the same, just a bad actor. Princess Freya is supposed to be senselessly evil, evil for the sake of being evil. An antagonist for Katherine to be loved. But there is reason behind Freya's anger and Clarissa can feel it.

"I've given you the grace of facing death without suffering for over a minute, but this time how about you experience the way I died and come back to tell me how it feels." She whispers the end of her sentence by the princess' ear, quiet enough so the three men wouldn't hear.

Freya's eyes meet hers in terror. She feels a thin, cold pair of fingers wrap around her neck. It feels like forever, slowly increasing pressure.

Vixen, Orias, and Astaroth couldn't find the strength to stop their comrade, but felt the fear of witnessing a stone cold killer in a place she's too familiar with.

The same feeling Astaroth felt during the fire.

They could hear the sound of bones crack, an awful scream turn to silence, and the princess was devoid of life once again.

Without a word or glance to spare, Clarissa leaves and rushes to her room, beckoning the sensation in her hands to go away, the regret to silence itself.

She hated this feeling.

To have killed someone the way she was killed.

If I've taken so many lives why is it only affecting me now? She wonders.

Was it the princess' face? No, it was her expression. I've seen such a look before. Nothing ever rattled me since losing my cat, and messing up my job as bad as I did while I was an assassin. Her hands tangle up in her hair, holding her face with her palms. A look of utter dismay, a face she hasn't made in too long.

While she hid in her room without leaving for the next couple days, princess Freya's body was observed by the three men.

They watched her body steadily melt into a black goop that eventually turned into nothing. By then, the princess wakes up in her bed, clutching her throat and breathing heavily.

No one bothered Clarissa for that while. Not even Vixen.

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