[40] Golden Legacy

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The princess didn't clear away the mess she made immediately. While she did have Clarissa's body dragged out of her room and thrown somewhere she didn't care, she left the blood to dry on the floor to observe it.

A possibility of her and Clarissa being the same.

Freya went to sleep that night beside Eka. The disease spread throughout her body very quickly compared to Astaroth. She wouldn't survive a couple more nights and the princess grew angrier each day having no idea what to do.

"If only I spent more time thinking of possible antidotes than thinking of a thousand different ways I can get my revenge." She paces around her room first thing the following morning, and then checks on the dried blood.

It lightened. Almost opaque now, but a light color. "If my idea is right then this has to be the dumbest disease ever in the dumbest world ever. At least this time who I was in my past life has nothing to do with these stupid laws. I didn't put much thought at all into the magical elements, I used plain plot devices. People still enjoyed the simple and cliché things nonetheless. If you leave a plot hole readers aren't happy but they patch it up themselves with their own head canons."

Freya kneels down and drags her finger across the dried blood. That didn't tell her much. She returns to Eka's side, stroking her girlfriend's hair. From all her tossing and turning, her hair was starting to tangle badly. "How did you even get infected? I haven't bled at all lately."

She quickly checks the sheets of her bed.

"Fuck. I didn't notice I stained the sheet during my period." The princess groans loudly. "This is so stupid! I didn't write about any lame ass plague nor did I intend to! What is this!?"

Eka with shrieking noises, turns her body facing her lover.

"There there..." Freya hushes her.

"Princess?" She hears a knock on her door. "I'm the guard from last night."

"The one who brought me a present? If not then fuck off."

"The one who brought you a present, princess."

"Come in." She sighs. As the guard comes in Freya looks her up and down. "What is so urgent you come see me this early?"

"Clarissa Wain's body melted into an opaque goop."


"And I thought you should know."

"And now I do. Leave."

"Oh and Princess?" Her eyes shift to Eka. "I know I'm not supposed to make comments but you're risking your own safety—"

"Leave. Now. Or I won't be so thankful to you anymore."

The guard gulps. "Of course Princess."

Freya watches her go with darkened eyes. No one, not even three kingdoms worth in gold is going to take Eka away from her. That beastly woman better not tell the king or I'll have her head, and the head of everyone she's related to and loves.
"I don't think I ever caught that one's name. Ugh how am I to report her then? Big woman, dirty blonde badly cut hair— bet it was done by a barely seeing old person. I don't have time for this." Clicking her tongue, she heads outsider her chambers for the first time in a few days.

"Where are the clerics!?" Freya screams at the nearest guard passing by. "Bring me Kristopher now! And tell him if he can't come up with a cure for the crow disease by tonight he'll be cleaning sewers for the rest of his useless life!"

"P-princess! All clerics have been sent outside the castle to help the civilians." Replies the guard who trembled in their heavy boots.

"Haa? What dumbass would send all the clerics outside of the castle?"

"Oh no she's in a terrible mood. I'm as good as dead!"
"His majesty, princess. But I will send a rat to notify sir Kristopher."


As good as useless. Freya waited out the rest of that day almost soiling her feet in sweat while watching her girlfriend suffer. Kristopher didn't show up, no cleric showed up, Freya can't even remember the face of the guard who failed her today.

"Come on Eka. You can't lose to this." The princess gently squeezes her girlfriend's hand. The doings of the crow disease extended to Eka's finger tips on both hands, it was half way up her face and down both thighs and growing worst every minute. Or so Freya thought.
"It was down your knees the other day. It's retreating?"

Eka responds with groans.

"It appears I'll owe the bitch one if you survive this. But do I really? It is kind of her fault this whole crow disease started." Freya laughs. "Then it's her own fault her beloved little man died!"

Freya Golden is busy wiping her girlfriend's still unconscious body with a wet cloth. Three days after the events of a small miracle, Eka's state has improved to the point where she's not shrivelling in pain every second she breathes.

"Freya." The voice repeats, louder and more stern than the first time. "I'm coming in."

"No wait!" The princess turns around, hiding Eka's body. "Father!"

"Hand over the girl." He furrows his thick brows. It was just him, accompanied by none else.

"No! You'll burn her! I won't let anyone hurt her."

Struggling to see the girl, the king cocks his head. Freya continues to block his view.
"Why are you doing this?"

"Why do you think I'd protect anyone, father?"

"Because you're being stupid."

"You're the stupid one! I know you more than you know yourself. " she grits her teeth. "You'll burn her, if not, have her executed. You'll make her evil even though she's the nicest person alive. If you do this father, then I will destroy this kingdom and all the other kingdoms out there and you know no one will be able to stop a lady that can't stay dead."

King Golden sighs.

"So you love her. I would've said the same had anyone threaten to hurt your mom."

"Then I hope you're taking me seriously."

"What am I to do then? The girl has crow disease."

"It's getting better!"


"Look Father." The princess steps aside. "Ask the little fucker that snitched on me what happened a couple days ago. Delivered Clarissa Wains to me and I took her head myself. That woman's blood is the cure."

"And you killed her!?"

"How was I supposed to know!?" Freya feigned panic. She had a hunch and her hunches were usually right. Clarissa Wains won't stay dead either. "Just don't hurt Eka. Please let her stay with me until she's in good health."

King Golden purses his lips, and thinks for a few minutes in silence. "I don't want my dear daughter to risk getting the disease. We'll have her moved to an empty room and have the clerics care for her there. After that she'll be relieved of her duties and carry on with her life in town proper."


"It'll be the first time the Golden Kingdom is to have no king but two queens rather. If it makes my daughter happy then I shall permit it."

"You hear that Eka? We have my father's blessings." Freya whispers in Eka's ear.

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