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So, I took Palla and his bodyguards to Shira.

The prisoner sat in the same place as before. Not that he had much choice. The chain that bound him to the wall didn't allow him much freedom. Shira gave me a quick glance, then looked at the Governor for much longer. Like a predator, he studied every detail, every movement, however slight.

It was with satisfaction that I noted the governor's uneasiness at this intent gaze.

"Is he really carefully restrained?" the Governor asked in a half-whisper, and I nodded.

Palla glanced nervously at the bodyguards behind him.

Only then did he muster the courage to take two steps towards the prisoner. The captive's attention was finally drawn away from the older politician, and with a quick glance, he sized up the two Governor's men. It was almost as if he was assessing whether he could neutralize them in a confrontation.

I was convinced that without the handcuffs, he could take them all, including the Governor. With a guilty pleasure, I found myself thinking that I wouldn't mind seeing that.

"I am Governor Palla," he addressed the prisoner. "My assistant was here a few days ago."

Shira grinned but said nothing.

"I wish we could work together," the Governor continued, a little uncertain.

"And I wish my hands were free to break your neck," Shira said, keeping a light conversational tone. "But one cannot have everything."

The Governor turned pale, and I found it hard not to grin.

"Don't mess with someone whose one word could send you before a firing squad," the Governor hissed, but the tone of his voice lacked the confidence to make it sound like more than an empty threat.

"Come closer; I didn't hear you right," the prisoner sneered, rising abruptly to his feet.

The Governor immediately stepped back between his bodyguards. Shira laughed out loud at the sight.

I saw the anger and determination on the Governor's face. It was obvious that he didn't want to be seen as a coward. The older man walked up to the prisoner and struck him hard in the face.

Then everything happened very quickly. Shira reached out his bound hands, wrapped the short chain of his handcuffs around Palla's neck, and pulled him violently towards him. The Governor barely had time to defend himself.

"Looks like at least one of us is going to get his wish," Shira hissed in his ear, and it was clear to everyone that even if we rushed to the Governor's aid, our prisoner would manage to kill him before any of us could move.

The two bodyguards with their hands on the weapons looked at me hesitantly, as if waiting for some advice.

"So, Governor, are you still interested in working together?" the black-haired assassin grinned as he grabbed Palla by the neck.

"Let him go, and we can talk about it," I didn't know what to say, so I tried at least something. But it was as clear to Shira as it was to me that these were just empty words. No one would negotiate with him. Even if he tried to take the Governor hostage, he would never get out of here alive.

That's when it hit me. It wasn't what he had in mind at all. He just wanted to kill him. Plain and simple.

"Let... me... go, you... animal," the Governor hissed, struggling to even take a breath.

Sure, provoke him more, I thought, staring intently at the lethal hands around the man's throat. Palla began to gasp, and it was clear from his panicked expression that he had just realized that Shira wasn't interested in taking hostages.

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