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What goes through a man's mind when he looks into the face of death? Does his whole life flash before his eyes? Does he regret his mistakes? Maybe he remembers his loved ones?

I wasn't able to think at all.

In battle I sometimes felt fear, like any soldier going into a war. Fear, adrenaline, maybe anger, rage... But now a paralysing terror had taken over my whole being.

Cold sweat broke out on my palms, my throat tightened, my heart pounded so hard it hurt.

All hope had left me. There was nothing Shira could do, I wasn't really angry with him. Maybe I just regretted that this was the end of it.

I looked at the other prisoners.

Commander Riisen hadn't moved a muscle, his expression emotionless, fearless. I had to admire him. I also tried to bury my fear somewhere deep, to keep my dignity until the end, but I didn't succeed. My hands were shaking and I couldn't stop them.

I was not alone. Several of the prisoners were shaking so badly they could barely stand. Maya was right next to me. Our shoulders almost touched. Tears were streaming down her face, her eyes full of unspoken terror. If only I could give her courage. To comfort her, to hold her one last time, but the arms tied behind my back made even that last wish impossible.

The area around us filled up quickly, until it seemed that all the soldiers from the base were gathered here. No one wanted to miss the bloody spectacle.

Suddenly, the ranks of the soldiers parted and I saw the Emperor.

A short, brunette man in his fifties, of oriental appearance, dressed in an embroidered uniform, walked towards us.

And following him, my heart leaping with excitement and perhaps new-found hope, was Shira. Dressed in a long coat and with the katana on his back, he followed his master.

I tried to catch his eye, to at least read something on his face, something that suggested he had a plan to save us. But Shira's expression was blank, distant, revealing absolutely nothing.

The Emperor made his way to the prisoners. He moved slowly from one to the other, glancing briefly at each of them. There was a cruel smile on his lips. He was visibly enjoying the anguish of the prisoners who, despite their best efforts, could not hide the horror of their impending death.

The Lord stopped in front of Maya. He watched her for a long moment, then reached out and ran his fingers over her cheek and neck. My friend looked at him with a look of pure contempt.

"It would be a waste to kill this one," the Emperor said after a while, nodding to the soldiers standing nearby. " Give her food and wash her."

I was incredibly relieved. Maya got out. It was obvious why the Emperor had spared her life and what he was going to do to her, but it was better than a firing squad. And Maya can handle it, she's strong and smart, she can endure anything.

And Shira... Maybe he'll look after her, maybe he'll keep his promise and help Maya.

The show went on. The Emperor passed me unnoticed, his eyes resting on Riisen.

They may have been the same age, but otherwise they were polar opposites. The proud Commander stood tall before the enemy leader, fearlessly meeting his hateful gaze.

"Commander Riisen," the Emperor smiled smugly, " he is trying to look like a brave soldier, but his knees are shaking.

Riisen gave him a contemptuous look and suddenly spat in his face.

The other man gasped in surprise. Then his face twisted into an angry grimace. No one had ever dared to do such a thing to him.

Red with rage, he punched the chained Riisen in the face so hard that the captive fell to the ground.

"No quick death for you," he hissed into his ear as he bent over him.

Then he drew a knife from the scabbard at his waist and slashed the poor Commander's abdomen in one swift motion.

The deafening scream of the wounded man was only slightly less horrifying than the sight of blood and guts gushing from the huge gaping wound.

I watched the horrible scene and struggled not to vomit. The stench of blood and death made me sick. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard, shaking all over. Luckily my stomach was empty.

However, some of the prisoners lost their hard-won composure and began to beg for mercy.

I got over my shock and looked at Riisen. He was writhing on the ground in excruciating pain, grunting and clutching his wound with his hands. The Emperor leaned towards him again with a mischievous smile.

"You will be dying like this for many hours," he told him in a cheerful voice. "Enjoy it."

The entire time, Shira stood like a statue beside his master, not even blinking at the sight of the dying Riisen.

That cruel man straightened and turned to the crowd of his soldiers.

"This is what happens to those who defy the Emperor!" he shouted, pointing to my friend writhing in a pool of his own blood. "Soon we will be strong enough to attack and take back what is ours! Soon..."

I stopped paying attention to him and kept my eyes on the ground. Just then I noticed that Riisen was trying to reach the bloody knife that the Emperor had left on the ground.

He had neither the chance to reach the weapon nor to use it. It was just a last desperate attempt of a man in his death agony. Maybe he hoped to shorten his suffering, maybe he wanted to attack the Emperor. But his efforts were futile. Everyone must have seen it.

Yet the moment his trembling fingers brushed the tip of the blade, Shira suddenly turned to face him, the katana in his hand. The movement was so quick that I couldn't really understand what had happened. Only when Commander Riisen's head rolled to my feet did I realise.

The Emperor paused and glared at Shira.

"He was reaching for the weapon, my lord," I heard his calm voice say.

The Emperor looked down at the bloody ground, the hand of the headless body still touching the blade. Then he measured Shira again with a long gaze that showed a hint of irritation. But then he turned away and continued his prepared speech to his soldiers.

I didn't pay much attention to his words, full of arrogance and hatred for his enemies, the Resistence.

It was only when I heard 'Proceed with the execution' that I snapped out of my lethargy. I looked up with determination and stared at the group of Imperials lined up facing us, their rifles ready to fire.

I hoped their aim was good.

Everything came to a standstill, the soldiers just waiting for their master's command.

The silent sobs of the other condemned, their desperate prayers came to me.

I glanced at Shira, who was leaning towards the Emperor. He was whispering urgently into his ear. The older man did not look pleased. A brief conversation took place between them.

They spoke very quietly, I didn't understand a word. But a tiny spark of hope flared up in me again.

Eventually the Emperor nodded and I heard his voice.

"Which one?"

Shira gestured in my direction. I almost forgot to breathe. I was afraid to even think about the possibility of getting out of here.

The Emperor waved to his soldiers and they pulled me towards him. He came closer and examined me for the first time. He squeezed my jaw painfully and turned my face from side to side.

Then he let go of me and turned to the black-haired assassin standing by his side. He gave Shira a long, not very kind look, then ordered the soldiers holding my arms to take me away.

I made another attempt to meet Shira's gaze, but he turned away. The expression on his face was still unreadable, distant, deadly. He bore no resemblance to the man I'd met in prison.

Then I was dragged away. I stumbled several times, my legs shaking. They threw me back into that small, dim room.

Before the door of my temporary cell slammed shut behind me, I heard the shots of the firing squad.

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