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I'd like to say I was shocked when Palla and his bodyguards walked in, but the truth was that everything began to make sense at that moment.

Thinking all is lost, I became bitterly aware of two things. The attack wasn't happening, no help was coming, my message had probably never reached the headquarters.

And the second thing; that careless message to the Governor got us into this mess. I revealed everything in it, including the fact that Shira was on our side. And as a result, the Emperor found out.

I'm such a fool.

"Your Highness," the Governor began in his exalted voice, "I am glad you granted me an audience so..." Only now did he notice Shira and me, "Soon," he finished somewhat baffled, obviously surprised to see us here.

I had to admit to Palla that he had recovered quickly from his initial shock. He turned to me with renewed composure.

"Commander Imara," he said with a false smile on his lips. "I honestly didn't expect to see you again. I assumed you were long dead. Imagine my surprise when I received a message from you."

At these words I saw Shira's confused expression and felt deeply ashamed to have done such a thing behind his back. But the assassin's gaze quickly returned to Palla as he spoke contemptuously.

"I think Commander Imara is just regretting that I didn't break your neck that time."

Shira read my feelings correctly. I never thought much of Palla, but I didn't view him as a traitor.

"Why?" I snapped hatefully. What did he gain from this charade?

"I don't have to confess to you," he replied, glancing at the Emperor, who was clearly amused by the situation. "I see I have disturbed you, Your Highness, please continue."

Before the Emperor could do anything, Shira freed himself from the two guards who had been holding him back and took a step towards Palla.

"So it was your men who ambushed me."

The soldiers tried to hold the black-haired man back, but the Emperor's gentle shake of his head stopped them. The Governor stepped back between two of his bodyguards and looked anxiously at the lord, who was watching the spectacle with great interest.

Shira took a few more steps. He did not look at me as he walked by, but his fingers brushed briefly, as if by chance, over my forearm. Even that small touch gave me goosebumps, and I understood that he was trying to encourage me.

He dared nothing more. Any sign of affection between us might anger the Emperor. And to infuriate him again would surely cost me some important part of my body.

"What kind of attack is he talking about?" The Emperor asked, confirming Shira's theory that he hadn't sent his favourite soldier into a trap.

So it really was Palla. Yes, it was more his style;  a schemer and a manipulator who let others do his dirty work for him.

The Governor bristled and grew uneasy. "Your Highness, you said I could... test him."

The lord glanced at Palla suspiciously, and I hoped he'd take out his choleric temper on someone else this time. But if Shira thought he could turn them against each other, it didn't work.

After a moment, the Emperor smiled in satisfaction and pointed at his assassin. "They didn't get him, he doesn't have a scratch."

Not a scratch. Hardly. I looked at his beaming face and felt sick. I remembered how Shira had looked the night after the attack. I could still picture the two bullets lodged in his bulletproof vest and the ragged, bleeding wound in his leg.

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