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(Pov Author)

She ran very quickly and clumsily, holding her vanilla ice cream, her favourite, and on the other side of her hand, the hazelnut chocolate ice cream, Uzair's favourite.

She opened the door to her room, where she had asked him to wait ; she had pretended to go and get some ice cream to hide her sudden tears.

Her best friend was leaving the country today to start his training to take over his father's business, Mr Jalees was sending his son abroad to look after the new branch, and he wouldn't be back for another four years, the news had come as a brutal shock to Shumaila, she had never been so separated from her best friend, they had known each other all their lives, their parents had even been best friends and naturally, they had ended up growing up together.

Shumaila wiped away a tear and opened the door with a cheerful expression.

"Uzuuuu, I found the ice cream" she shouted in a victorious tone with the nickname she had given him.

But she immediately stopped when she saw what Uzair was holding in his hand: he was reading what he should never have read. The ice cream cones were slipping out of her hands, but that was not her priority at the moment, she had to get her letter out of his hands.

In an almost desperate rush, she tried to snatch it out of his hands but it was too late, Uzair's gigantic hands shot up in the air, making it impossible for her to do so.

"Shumaila, tell me this is a JOKE ?" asked Uzair, his tone for the first time so cold towards his best friend.

But that wasn't what surprised Shumaila the most, no it was the way he had called her, he didn't use the nickname he had dedicated to her "Miss Panda" but her whole first name.

"Answer ME !" he shouted, this time losing his temper.

Shumaila gasped this time, she knew how intimidating and frightening Uzair could be, she'd seen them act like that with others but never with her, he'd never be able to, she meant too much to him.

"Uzuuuu..." she let out a sob from her mouth, she didn't want to lose him.

She cursed herself for having written that love letter to Uzair, she'd done it in a daze, when he told her he was about to propose to her three-year-old girlfriend, Ayesha.

She had always been happy for Uzair as long as he found happiness, which was why she had never declared her feelings for him, her friendship with him was so much more important than anything else yet she felt like she was losing everything, he looked at her as if she had betrayed him, but she had done her best to ignore his feelings.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, do you love me ?" he shouted, stunned by the news, as if knowing that Shumaila loved him was an insult.

"I never... Never wanted to have those feelings for you Uzuu, I... I... Tried... to... make... him disappear... for you... "he heard Shumaila's broken voice

Although he could hear the sincerity in her voice, her anger intoxicated him, he had promised Ayesha that she was the only one for her, she had loved him and waited for him even though she was older than him. He felt good with her, he would never have believed that Shumaila, the one he considered his sister, could have the same feelings he had for Ayesha.

"Did you TRY ? Is that why you wrote that bloody letter telling me how sad you are that I'm going to ask my Ayesha to marry me ?" he asks angrily, emphasising the MY

Shumaila understood that what she had done was wrong, he was upset about her letter, she wasn't sad that he was happy with the one he loved, but sad that she couldn't be the one he loved, never in her life would she have written a sentence or even thought sadly of his happiness.

"Uzu, no... I'm glad you're with Ayesha, I promise, just let me get rid of my feelings, I just want to be in your life in a corner, don't leave me" she said pleadingly.

But that was too much for Uzair, he grabbed the keys to his car, and sped down the steps. Shumaila, panicking, followed him from behind, barely catching up.

"Uzuu, please forget about my feelings , I'm your Miss Panda, nothing more, I never had any intention of showing you my feelings, our friendship means more to me than anything else, don't abandon me" she said softly, smiling slightly.

Hoping to convince Uzair, she took his hand in hers, but he removed it curtly.

"I'm not your Uzuu and you're not my Miss Panda, I valued my friendship with you on the same level as my love for Ayesha, but you betrayed me, how could you let such pure feelings that you share with me in our friendship turn into something else? "he asked, suddenly saddened.

He knew that he would never be able to see Shumaila as his best friend again, since he knew that she had been seeing him differently for who knows how long. Uzair's words hurt Shumaila deeply, he had just described her feelings as impure, he disgusted her, she was sure of it.

"Let's remain strangers, let's not see each other AGAIN " he said in Uzair's categorical voice.

He took his car and got in, giving one last painful look to the woman who had been his best friend since day one, then he left, he couldn't believe it, she loved him, yet she knew they could never have been together, he wasn't capable of seeing her as a woman, not in that way.

Shumaila watched as Uzair's blue car soon disappeared, he didn't like the colour but he'd bought it because of her, because it was her favourite colour.

A smile appeared on his lips as she remembered that day, Uzair had grumbled a lot but he could never have said no to Shumaila, he loved her too much for that.

She sniffed loudly as she looked at the letter in her hands, she wanted to tear it up, but would it change anything in the new reality.

"Shumaila had just lost her best friend"

That was it, she rushed to her room, where she let herself fall to the floor.
Withdrawn into herself, she repeated her words like an incantation capable of taking her back in time and recovering Uzair.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry".

"Please come back, Please come back, Please come back"

She fell asleep an hour later in the same pitiful state, while on the other side Uzair was driving his car at top speed, his grip tight on the steering wheel.

She held herself responsible for the end of their friendship and he held her responsible for the end of their friendship.

« This was how a 20-year friendship had come to an end in the space of one evening »

« However was it really the END or the BEGINNING ?  »

Note :

Thank you for reading the prologue ! I'd like to point out that this story would be really short around 10 chapters.

I hope you'll enjoy it ! 💖

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