Wolves Without Teeth

619 40 4

Song - Wolves Without Teeth by Of Monsters and Men


The sound of angry shouting and glass shattering jolts me out of dead sleep. Creeping toward my door, I listen to the rumbling voices outside.

"We're moving at four fucking knots! Where is the wind?"

"We're never going to make it in time."

"We have to stop somewhere. We only have one night!"

"There is no wind in the sails!"

"What are we going to do?"

Everyone is talking at once. I don't hear Silver or the captain speaking but everyone else is frantic.

Moving quietly to my window, I peer out. The sea is calm, barely rippling as the ship glides slowly through the water. My nausea is notably absent, the stillness probably aiding in that.

Chewing my lip, I open the door and make myself busy in the galley. I'm not sure which will be worse, intruding on their conversation or making them wait to eat.

"Ah, Christ!" Big Jones throws his hands up in the air as soon as he sees me. "The girl!"

I'm frozen, standing beside the stove with a pot in my hands. I am chilled to the core by the sight of the five men before me.

Sweat pours out of each of them, running down their faces, necks, and bare chests. Their eyes are wide with panic.

As we stand staring at each other, I notice it. The silver marks. They all have them. A little crescent moon printed right in the middle of their chests.

"You'd do better to fling yourself into the sea, Miss." Big Jones growls. "This ship is-"

"Jones," one of the other men growls and he snaps his mouth closed.

"All hands on deck," the captain's voice booms from the doorway, "we're adjusting course. We won't make it to Ramsey Island even if we towed the ship. We're trying for Whitesand Bay."

"Whitesand Bay?" They all look horrified. "There are people there!"

"It's the only fucking option!" The roar that rips through his chest shakes the walls.

Everyone cowers back, their faces pale as he marches into his quarters and slams the door closed behind him. Without another word, they rush out leaving me standing alone in the galley. After starting a pot of water to boil, I sweep the glass off the floor.

Why are we stopping at all? We have enough food, water, and rum.

A dark shadow covers the light streaming in from the doorway. Turning, I find Silver. His hands grip the wood so hard I'm worried it will splinter. A sheen of sweat covers his face and his chest moves in and out rapidly as he takes heaving breaths.

"When we drop anchor, you need to run, Niamh. Do you hear me?" He steps inside, making the cabin feel suddenly small. Instinctually, I take a nervous step back. He looks wild like he might reach out and grab me. "Niamh!" He shouts, making me jump. "Do you hear me?" Each word is growled out through gritted teeth.

"Run where? I don't understand."

"As soon as your feet hit dry land, you need to run." He grabs my hand dropping several coins into my palm. "Find an inn and hide inside. Don't leave the room, and don't step outside. When morning comes, as soon as the sun rises, be waiting at the docks or we will leave you behind."


"Promise me, you cannot come outside while the moon is high. Swear it."

"I swear it. I won't come outside."

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