Kiss Me

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Song - Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer

I can't help but notice that Big Jones has been hovering over me while I prepare lunch. I'm not sure if he's trying to be inconspicuous or if he doesn't care whether I realize it or not, but he's almost in the way. That's how closely he's standing.

If Cooper can't be here, he is next in line to make me feel safe.

"The first group can come," I tell him as I set the last dish of potatoes on the table.

"Reveille, reveille," he calls out, and I immediately feel the floor shaking as they run down from the deck.

Aside from the sounds of chewing and labored breathing, the room is quiet. The silence is thick and uncomfortable. When Captain Cormac comes out of his quarters, his eyes lock with mine. He's fuming.

"If you tell anyone, they will hang all of us. Do you understand that?" He growls. The crew looks down at their food, turning their faces away from us.

"I won't tell a soul, Captain." I know he doesn't believe me. As much as I want to hate him, I can't help but see his position. He doesn't trust me. I'm a stranger to him. He's trying to keep his crew from the gallows.

He steps closer, grabbing my arm to pull me into his chest. "If you do, I will find you and will gut you like a fish." His voice is low enough that no one else can hear it, but they all turn to look when I gasp.

"I won't say anything," I look down at the floor, hoping that he lets go of my arm.

He grumbles under his breath and releases me by harshly shoving me to the side and walking past. Taking in a shaky breath, I watch the men devour the food.

It will only be a minute or two until everything is gone and the bowls are empty, ready to be filled with food for the second group. Cooper.

I've tried to force him to the back of my mind, but I can't. The feeling of his lips on mine is front and center at all times. Even as the captain threatened to disembowel me, I only barely heard his threats. My body aches, longing for him to pull me into his arms again, to feel his chest pressed against mine.

As far as first kisses go, I can't imagine anything better. Thinking of the way he ran his tongue over mine, slipping it between my lips, makes my stomach flutter. I wonder what it would feel like to slide my tongue into his mouth, to taste him, and to breathe his breath into my lungs.

"Lass?" Big Jones touches my shoulder, drawing a startled yelp from me as I spin around to face him. Looking beyond him, I can see that the table is empty, the first group has gone to relieve the second group for their meal.

Blushing, I take the empty bowl from his hands, "thank you."

"I'll send the next group down." He doesn't acknowledge or dwell on my burning red face or the fact that I have no idea how long he has been trying to get my attention.

The second group comes to eat, but Cooper doesn't join them. My eyes are glued to the door, waiting. I'm supposed to be eating, but my appetite has disappeared as curiosity and disappointment take over all of my attention. Where is he?

It's only a matter of minutes before all of the food is gone and the second group collapses into their hammocks to rest.

Big Jones carries in two large buckets full of seawater, "for laundry."

After cleaning the galley and starting pots of water to boil for dinner, I peek my head cautiously out the cabin door. The sound of the water and wind drown out any other noise that might indicate there is anyone else aboard. I don't want to get caught, so I step back inside, hiding in my quarters with the filthy clothes.

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