Forest Floor

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Song - Forest Floor by Ocie Elliot

Sitting in the crow's nest, under the beating sun, I watch them row far below. It's brutal work. The ship is finally moving, but not without great effort. With two men per row boat, they pull the ship forward slowly.

"Next team, take their places." Captain Cormac barks orders, and the men rush to the front of the boat and disappear over the side.

Climbing down the ladder as quickly as I can without falling, I rush to the galley. A hard, stale ship biscuit will give them some energy until their next meal is ready to eat.

I barely get the pots of water on to boil when Cooper staggers into the cabin. Soaked from head to toe, he clearly took a dip in the water before coming up.

"I know it's not much," I point to the plate, but he's not interested. Without a word, he grabs my arm and pulls me into my quarters. He quickly pulls me down to the ground, lying on top of me with his head on my chest. I feel the full weight of his body as he relaxes against me.

It only takes a moment for me to realize that he's asleep. It took less than a single breath. His overworked body gave out.

Bringing my hand up to run through his hair, I nestle into the ground, warm and comfortable under his weight. When he tips his head up so that I can see his face while he sleeps, I crane my neck to be able to stare down at him.

The water on his face has dried, leaving salt on his sun-kissed skin. His face is peaceful, more than I've ever seen it. He makes even the best-looking boys in Wicklow look terrible. The features of his face are so pleasing to look at that it makes me blush. Anyone I ever thought was attractive before now pales in comparison.

So many thoughts pop up in my head when I look at him, it's like pressure on my brain. His mouth is so perfect. Soft, pink lips that skillfully work mine.

I let myself explore the muscles, each dip and curve, as my fingers move down his neck and onto the warm skin of his back. I can't move my arm enough to touch beyond his shoulders, but it's enough.

He hums in his sleep, his head nuzzling into my stomach. The sound, a low rumble of pleasure, moves from his chest, into mine, then down. Down between my legs to the place where he seems to have awakened something in me. I've never felt anything like this before. This slow, thumping need that always seems to sit just below my skin, waiting for him to wake it up.

I'm still completely out of my depth when it comes to the things he's drawing out of me, but at least I'm starting to understand them. The horrible ache that pulsates between my legs is longing. It's my body calling out to his.

I hate it and I love it at the same time. No one else has ever made me feel this, not even in the tiniest measure. Only he does this to me.

Lying perfectly still, I enjoy the feeling of being beneath his body. I would stay right here forever if I could.

No sooner had the thought popped up in my head, the door slams open, hitting Cooper's legs.

Captain Cormac kicks his legs, "get up, boy."

Cooper groans and grumbles something under his breath, leaning up on his elbow. My cheeks burn with embarrassment at being caught in this position. Surely, we are going to be punished for this.

"When we dock in Portugal tomorrow, the girl comes with us to the old hags. We will release her on the dock when the crew is aboard the ship to depart. We can't risk her running her mouth to anyone who will listen while we're on land." He never once looks at me.

Cooper sighs but nods his head. It's best not to argue.

"The third set of teams just went down to row. We will do one more then drop anchor for the night. Make lunch, girl." With that, he turns and leaves us alone.

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