(Yandere) Hannibal x Reader

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While trying to run away from the gruesome scene I had just watched; Hannibal decapitating a man, I somehow ran into a bookshelf causing it to fall onto my leg. We were in an old building on the outskirts of town.

  With my leg under the bookshelf I was trapped. I was able to stop it from full on crushing my leg, surely I would get heavy bruising and major numbness but I was absolutely positive that nothing was broken... unless I couldn't feel it.

The bookshelf was too heavy to move off by myself and I started hyperventilating in fear. I had seen Hannibal on the news. The infamous Cannibal that roamed the streets of Italy searching for his next unlucky victim.

I had just been a witness to one of his slaughters, getting out of this situation without a scratch was impossible. I had not realized he slowly approached me until he spoke.

"Ah, you seem to have found yourself in quite the predicament, haven't you?" He observed, "Are you hurt?"

I jumped at Hannibal's voice and struggled to free my leg so I could get away, scared what his intentions would be for me. I wasn't aware he had approached me, I was too focused on myself to notice.

He reached down to the shelf, taking a knee to face me, "Don't worry, I'm not here to harm you, I just wish to inspect your wound. I'm a doctor, after all. Perhaps you recognize me?.

"Yes..." I finally spoke, giving up on my trapped leg, "You're on the news."

"Yes, indeed I am," He dismissed himself, "But please, don't let my reputation get in the way of our conversation. Now, is your leg seriously injured?"

I watched him with caution, the memory of him killing a man a few moments ago still fresh in my mind.

"It just hurts like something pressing on a bruise," I answered, "It's starting to feel numb."

I couldn't understand why he was caring about my predicament. Was he just fooling me? Or did he not plan on me witnessing what he did and wasn't out to kill me to? Whatever the reason I still watched him with suspicion.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I wish to help you," The older man picked up the bookshelf to free my leg, careful of not aggravating the wound, I helped as well, "Can you bear any weight on your leg?"

Once he lifted the bookshelf I tried to make a run for it but ended up falling due to my bad leg that was under the bookshelf. I cursed under my breath.

"Calm yourself, I said I was here to help. Let me look at your leg."

Out of instinct I moved my leg closer to myself. The man scaring me. His intentions still unsure and unpredictability worrying me. He reached to move my leg back.

"It's alright, dear, let me look at your leg," he coaxed, "I won't hurt you if you just cooperate."

I don't trust him but I had no other choice but to let him take a look. I stayed silent, watching him with a keen eye. He begin examining my leg.

"Now, tell me, what exactly were you doing before your leg was trapped under the bookshelf?" He asked.

I felt like a mouse caught in a cheese trap. Except now there was a cat before me.

"Well.. I-I was passing by when I saw..." I stammered, "When I saw what you did to that... that man."

He watched me as I spoke, taking note of my nervousness and eyes darting back and forth, as if I was trying to plan escape. Not that I could escape easily with an injured leg, but he kept his mouth shut about that.

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