(Yandere) Hannibal x Reader

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I awoke in an unfamiliar place, heavy blankets a top of my sedated body. I was confused and tried to remember what had happened before this but I couldn't remember anything.

"Where am I?" I asked to no one in particular.

"You're in my home...well, one of my homes at least," A man spoke, "Do you remember me, Y/N?"

I moved away from the man out of instinct, my back making contact with the headboard of the bed.

"No, I can't say I do," I answered him.

He chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sure you do. At least...a version of me. I am Dr. Hannibal Lecter," Hannibal continued, moving closer to me, "I've had the fortune of meeting you several times prior to this, Y/N, so I figured I'd bring you here to have a long overdue chat in person."

My eyebrows knitted, trying to figure out who this man was. He was familiar but I couldn't quite remember him. I leaned my head back onto the headboard away from him.

"Then why can't I remember you?" I asked.

"Because we have never met under these circumstances, my dear. Our previous encounters were...less than consensual, I should say."

My face paled, "What do you mean by that?"

He paused for a moment, looking as if he was trying to find the right words to say.

"We had a little misunderstanding the last time we met. You see, I was looking for a person with the same name and likeness, it is a bit embarrassing to be honest," He shook his head in amusement, "But we are well past that, Y/N, so there is no need to worry. I can tell you that I had a grand old time with you and your friends back in our 'less than consensual' meeting, even if you don't remember anything at all."

"So after you figured out I was the wrong person you left me alone, right?" I asked him, "Then why am I with you again?"

The corner of his mouth curled upwards in a small smile.

"Well, that is a most excellent question. And it can be answered simply by the fact that I found myself wanting more. You were so charming and unique in your own right that I thought the right thing to do was to bring you here."

I slowly felt my body feeling uneasy and on edge, the drug had finally worn off and due to that my emotions were finally catching up to me. I was scared.

"The right thing to do?" I stammered,* "To kidnap me?"

"When you put it that way, I suppose yes, I did kidnap you. But it really is for your benefit, if you ask me," Hannibal shrugged, "You've been sedated for quite a while now, and if I remember correctly you haven't yet had any food—"

"I don't want to eat," I protested, "I want answers!"

He approached the bed, sitting on the edge.

"Very well, I will give you answers. You were sedated. I needed to keep you away from the authorities for a while, to...collect you," he explained, "And you will eat, I cannot abide a stubborn child like yourself."

"Keep me away from the authorities?" I scoffed. "You're the one who has to hide from the authorities!"

I scooted further from him.

"By collect you mean kidnap?" I rolled my eyes, "And I am far from a child."

"Oh, you're so witty, Y/N, I like you. And yes, you're correct. I am the one who has to evade authorities. But I want you here. And that was not a question, I was telling you that you will eat."

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