zero| prologue

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A/N: this story is a sort of AU that takes place in their 7th year. there's no moldy voldy, sirius is a free man, remus teaches dada, everyone's alive (except peter - i'll go in details later). anywho, enjoy this story :)

If someone had told me I'd be watching my father get married to a woman that wasn't my mother, I wouldn't have believed them

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If someone had told me I'd be watching my father get married to a woman that wasn't my mother, I wouldn't have believed them.

Yet, here I was, in my silky sage green dress, holding my older brother's hand for dear life as tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. My youngest brother on my lap, playing with one of my curls as my little sister kept playing with the older couple sitting next to us - our step-grandparents.

They were too young to fully understand what was going on, why daddy wasn't kissing mommy anymore. But Axel and I, we understood what it meant.

Our parents had gotten a divorce in my sixth year, and now my father was getting remarried after he swore up and down that he'd never do it again.

I guess he lied.

He does that often.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The officiant said as my father kissed his new wife, everyone cheering for them as my siblings and I looked at each other before clapping.

We were happy for him, we really were, but it was so sudden. He didn't even consult us first. Consult me!

"I already told dad we can't stay for the party because of Bee and Eli. We should go say our congrats." Axel whispered in my ear as everyone watched the newlyweds walking down the aisle, hand in hand.

"Right. We'll be behind you." I stated before the guests started exiting, some apparating to the other venue instantly as we tried to find our father. By we, I mean Axel since he stands at a good 6'3 and towers over other wizards in this establishment.

I held onto his bicep, Elijah in my arms and Bethany in his, both of them a bit fussy because of all the noises and the people that were waving at them.

"Dede? When are we going home?" Elijah asked, his head buried in the crook of my neck as I adjusted him on my hip.

"Soon, honey. I promise." I told him with a smile, causing him to nod while tightening his arms around me. My own hand tightened around Axel's bicep as we finally reached the bride and groom.

Our father held onto her waist, looking at her with such love and admiration that it almost had me questioning if he ever loved our mother.

"Hey dad, Pricilla." Axel called out, both of their attention drawn towards us before we were engulfed into her arms.

"I'm so happy you guys came!" She said with a grateful smile as guilt tightened around my heart. It's wrong for me to hate her when she's done nothing but love us and our father... but at the same time, she's replacing our mother and I can't accept that.

Maybe that's why my relationship with my mother is as close as it ever was. And why I'm distancing myself from my father. I'm not quite sure yet.

"We wanted to say congratulations. And that we're sorry we can't stay for the party, gotta get those lots home and Lia starts school tomorrow." Axel explained to them in his most posh voice, his back held straight and his head high, just like he was taught.

Axel is destined to take over the family business, he's been trained on how to speak with others and negotiate since he was five. He's an expert in speaking eloquently.

"We understand, don't we, Francis." Pricilla said with a wide grin as our father nodded, not saying a word while we bid them our goodbyes. I don't even know why I'm surprised, I haven't had one normal conversation with that man since he left us.

"Is Cilla our new mommy? I no wanna a new mommy." Bethany questioned, her bottom lip trembling as Axel looked at me with wide eyes.

Okay, maybe they understood more then we thought.

"No, she's not our new mommy!" Elijah firmly stated as people started giving us looks. Axel and I almost made a run for it, but that would've made them talk about us even more.

"Listen, Pricilla is our step-mommy, okay? She will always love you but you don't have to call her that if you don't want to." I tried to reassure both of them as we finally reached the muggle car Axel had driven here. It was much easier then using Apparition with a five year old and a four year old.

"Can we get ice cream?" Bethany said, the new mommy thing already forgotten as Axel and I buckled our siblings in their car seats.

There wasn't a lot Axel and I wouldn't do for our younger siblings, even go against our mother's orders of no sweets before dinner. We've all had a few slip ups over the years.

"Of course. What flavour would you like?"

"Pink!" Bee yelled very loudly causing both of us to cringe slightly at her words. Also, pink is not a flavour but sure, whatever she says.

"You excited for school, D? It's your last year." Axel stated as I sighed lowly.

7th year.

The year that commemorates my youth before throwing me in the wizarding world with no instruction manual. Can't say that it doesn't scare me.

"You leaving?" Elijah questioned, his eyes wide as I smiled sadly at him. It's like this every year. He learns that I have to leave and he gets sad, then cries at the train station which almost always results in me wanting to stuff him in my suitcase to bring him with me. Though I know mum would kill me. Axel too.

"I have to, Eli. It's for school."

"Stupid school." Preach, brother.

"Elijah!" Axel sternly said as our little brother looked out the window, his eyebrows frowned and causing me to bite the inside of my cheek.

I hate making him sad.

"Yeah! Stupid school!" Bethany said with a huge grin as Axel looked at me with wide eyes.

Mum's gonna kill us.

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