twelve| pixie

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I was sitting in my dorm, listening to Bowie on my vinyl player while writing the remaining explications between a born werewolf and a bitten werewolf

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I was sitting in my dorm, listening to Bowie on my vinyl player while writing the remaining explications between a born werewolf and a bitten werewolf.

"Didn't we learn this in third year?" Hermione questioned with a groan as I chuckled.

From all my time spent with Hermione, studying and doing homework, I've come to realize that the only reason she does her work early is to not have to do it after. She'll do every single assignment on Monday then be free for the remaining week. It's crazy how productive she is - when she wants to.

Other times, like now, she's a huge procrastinator.

"Mione, babe, everyone was preoccupied with other things in third year."

"Right... you mean your crush on Professor Lupin?" She asked in a teasing tone as I threw my book in her face, hitting her at full force.

"Merlin's beard that hurts."

"We don't talk about it."

Let's be honest, who didn't have a crush on Professor R. J. Lupin? Mhmm?!

"Everyone had a crush on Professor Lupin, even Ron." She admitted with a shit-eating grin as the ginger haired boy scoffed at her in utter betrayal.

"You promised you wouldn't say anything." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest as I laughed loudly. My head falling back, almost falling down my own bed if it wasn't for my bedpost being so solid.

"It's just Dalia. She knows everything about everyone." Hermione reasoned which isn't far from the truth.

I don't know everything but people confide in me stuff that they should keep private. Im not the best person to give advice but I do have a good ear to listen to everyone.

Lavender slept with Padma's boyfriend at a party, they haven't told her yet even though it's been four months. And they keep hooking up at every party.

Neville folds his socks and places them by days of the week, every colour has a specific day. It helps him stay on track and not looking for a pair in his messy dorm.

Harry once dreamt that he had sex with Ron, and woke up with a boner. He couldn't look at him for the next two weeks after that without thinking about him naked. That's how Harry confirmed he was bisexual.

Hannah tried to catch Neville's attention by accidentally getting bit by one of the plants in Herbology... only to end up in the hospital wing with the worse case of mumblemumps. Turns out it had been running around school and she contracted it. Safe to say, she was a bit embarrassed of the outcome.

Connie accidentally petrified Mrs Norris, put her in his bag and brought her back to his dorm. He then painted her claws and added a cute little pink bow before putting her back in her place until she came back to life. It was pretty funny.

Ernie kissed his cousin, that he didn't know was his cousin until two weeks after when their moms introduced them. He's still very attracted to her...

"Oi! I heard there's a party friday in the room of requirement. Ravenclaw's throwing the biggest back to school party, ever." Ron said as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Since when are you interested in a party?"

Ron's never been much of a party guy, except if it was after a Quidditch match or if it was a Gryffindor party. He's not very into partying, which is okay cause you don't need to drink to have fun.

"All right, if you don't want to go then you can stay by you-"

"Oh, Ronniekins, I was just kidding." I teased with a grin before getting up and walking towards my closet.

"Is there a specific theme or is it just a party?" Hermione questioned, going to lay next to him as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to his body. He kissed her cheek over and over again while she lightly giggled.

"There will be no baby making in my bed." I stated, smacking them both with a pillow as they groaned in annoyance.

"Ernie said it was just a normal one. Wear what you usually wear." Ron said, kissing his girlfriend with so much passion that they both rolled off my bed and landed with a loud thud.

"Out. Both of you. If I wanted to watch live porn, I'd pay for it. Get out."

I shooed them both away, the couple grinding from ear to ear even though they were both red like their ties. I like embarrassing them, it brings joy in my life, especially since the twins aren't there to help bring terror into their younger brothers love life.

I have to keep up with the tradition.

Looking through my closet, already trying to find an outfit for Friday even though it's only Wednesday. I wasn't sure if an all black attire would be a good idea but wearing light colours would increase my chances of getting drinks spilled on me - trust me, I know.

"Who the fuck is knocking at- Pixie?"

I said out loud, looking at the spotted owl that was banging on my window. I knew that owl, it was Pansy's... though I don't understand why she would be sending me a message at this time.

My dorm. 20 minutes.
Bring some ice cream.
- Pansy

Frowning, I changed into grey sweatpants and a black tank top, putting my white high top converse, I began making my way out of my door. Though when I reached the door, I stopped for a second before turning back around and grabbing my pack of cigarettes that laid under my mattress.

The girls didn't know I smoked, they all thought I quit back in sixth year. I didn't. Oops? It's a bad habit I picked up after my parents divorce. I didn't want to feel anymore and smoking really helped me to relieve that emotional stress. And from the way I interpreted Pansy's message, I think they might be useful.

"See you in a few, Pixie." I said to the owl before leaving my dorm.

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