two| feast

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I was in my Gryffindor robe, sitting next to Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas

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I was in my Gryffindor robe, sitting next to Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. The three of us had a knack for making things explode in the most random moments. Maybe that's why Professor McGonagall was staring at us, like full on staring, I don't think she blinked once.

"That's creepy." Seamus whispered to me while accidentally knocking over his goblet of juice. He tried to stop it but his robe got caught in his plate, sending it flying towards Richie Coote. The beater barely dodging the tray, ending in it falling to the ground and resonating in the Great Hall.

"I fucking hate you." Dean and I mumbled at the same time, trying to hide our faces as everyone stared at us. Seamus' cheeks were an abnormal shade of red, almost like Ron Weasley's hair.

I could hear a couple of snickers and laughters from the other tables but I didn't dare look up. I was more interested in picking invisible lint off of my skirt.

My skirt which is a bit too small on me, it rides higher than the middle of my thighs when I sit down. Meaning that my ass is always touching the surface on which I'm sitting, if it was someone's lap I wouldn't mind but a bench is pretty uncomfortable. I guess that's what happens when you're too lazy to go buy another dress for your last school year and what happens when you have thick thighs.

I've never hated my thighs, only the stretch marks that are on the side of my hips leading to my thighs. Every men want a thick girl until they realize that we come with stomachs, back rolls and stretch marks.

In other words, fuck men.

Metaphorically and literally.

"Oh, come on, Ronald! N.E.W.T's are extremely important for your career-" I heard Hermione Granger scowled a nonchalant Ron, the boy stuffing his mouth with chicken wings as I stifled a laughter.

"Mione, you're the only that cares this early. School hasn't even bloody started." He said, his voice with a hint of desperation as he looked around for some help. His eyes landed me and before I could shake my head no, he was already speaking.

"How many O.W.L's did you get again, D? And how many N.E.W.T's are you taking."

"Sucks for you that you can't remember, Ronald." I tried to distance myself from their conversation, knowing that my results would cause some effect on Hermione. She always prides herself in being the best - and she is - I'm just a teeny tiniest bit better.

"Come on, Dalia, please." Harry added, pushing his glasses above his nose as I bite the inside of my cheek.

"I got 12 O.W.L's, and I'm taking 8 N.E.W.T's." I tried to mumble in my hand but to no avail since Seamus just repeated what I had said. The golden trio - as everyone likes to call them - stared at me with their mouths wide opened.

"Blimey! That's more than Hermione!"
"But how? 12 is a crazy number."

Both boys shouted at the same time as I shushed them quickly, not wanting the other houses to hear of my score. I didn't need to be labelled as anything else then a friendly person who will listen to your problems. That's it. That's all I need.

"If it makes you feel better, I didn't start a secret association to overthrow Umbitch's reign in my fifth year." I said to Hermione, the girl nodding her head with a smile of gratitude.

"I didn't see the importance of Muggle Studies and Divination." She admitted to me as I laughed out loud, my head falling backwards as my hands held onto the table so that I wouldn't fall backwards.

"I knew there was a reason I wanted to marry you." I teased, sensing Ron's glare on me before sending him a wink. He's been obsessed with her for years, how he still hasn't made a move baffles me. How are you gonna stare at someone like they shit rainbows but not ask them on a date? Kids nowadays.

Says the incredibly single and lonely one.

"Why's half of the snakes staring over here?" Dean questioned, earning a smack behind the head from Ginny Weasley.

"That's why they hate all of us. Stop referring to them as snakes!" She hissed in annoyance and I couldn't help but agree with her. I dated some Slytherin's, they aren't half as bad as people make them out to be. They just have a tougher shell to get through.

"Are they actually staring?" I asked, trying to look towards the green table in a most discreet manner. To no avail because I've never known to be discreet.

My eyes went from Pansy to Draco to Matteo to Blaise to Millicent to Lorenzo to - finally - Theodore.

Fuck he's hot.

Matteo sent me an enthusiastic wave along with Blaise who grinned at me, causing me to look at them with wide eyes. By Merlin's fucking beard.

I waved back, a smile on my face before looking at the others sitting next to them. Theodore's blue eyes were glaring daggers at Matteo and Blaise, his hand clutching a book firmly as I tried (and failed) to not stare at his veins.


"You're making the same googly-eyes you always give Charlie when he visits, who you looking at?" Ginny questioned with a sly grin as I flipped her off.

Can you blame me tho? Have you seen Charlie Weasley with his long hair always in a man bun, his dagger earring, his big hands covered in callouses and rings, his face splashed with freckles and his very very tone physic? Have you?


"Your brother's hot, Ginerva."

"Don't call me that, D." The youngest Weasley gritted between her teeth as I sent her a kiss in the air, still sensing the burning stare of the Slytherin's siting opposed to us.

"Thanks D." Ron said with a teasing grin while flexing his muscles, which I hate to say but he looks good. He let his hair grow just the right amount over the summer and he put on some muscles from Quidditch.

What's Mrs Weasley feeding those kids?

"I don't date minors." I answered back as he rolled his eyes at my words. That caused the rest of the table to laugh at us and catch the attention of a certain Slytherin.

"You're five months older than me."


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