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Hello, dear reader. I am very grateful that you have found this story. What is this story about you may ask? Well, I will tell you.
This is a story of light and darkness. This is a story of love and loss. This is the story of how a boy faced darkness, and became what he was destined to be.

Our story begins in another realm, known as the Bright isles, where everyone was happy, and people were nice to each other. People would greet each other when they walked down the street, and the townsfolk would often visit the local market to buy groceries and supplies. Some nights people would host gatherings, and even tell stories. The most popular story that was told was the story of the mother of light.

The Mother of light was kind, gentle and caring. She loved all the people in the Bright isles. She healed all of those who were sick, and helped those who were blue feel better. She was loved by all.

But one day, something arose. It was darkness. Before I explain darkness, I must explain magic.

Magic flows through a person's veins like blood, and looks similar to it. A person can only master a few different types of powers. They would mostly relate to whatever your interests were. An example would be if you love taking care of animals, you might want to master the power to heal them. When a child is born, it takes a few years before they have enough magic to use them, and another few years to master them. You would have different classes in school based on the powers you want to use, along with regular studies (math and english and other things). Once a person has control over their powers-which does take a few years-then they would be able to graduate.

Now onto darkness.

Darkness was spread around like a plague. If you turned dark, your powers would too. You will no longer heal, but rather hurt. Only if the darkness fully consumes you will you really turn evil. Many people were turning dark. When the Mother of light saw this problem, she took everyone who was dark, and made them light again. She took all of the darkness and placed it in a small jar. But a single drop fell onto a rose flower, giving it thorns. That flower and the jar of darkness have been locked up in the kingdom's castle for centuries. This is the story everyone believes to be true, but not everything is as it seems.

Nobody has ever turned to dark magic for who knows how long, and nobody believes that it won't happen again. Still, nobody is really worried.

Now, we will follow the twin sons of Queen Elanor and King Henry, Alex (short for Alexander) and Philip. The two were a rowdy bunch. They often argued with each other, but they were siblings. They usually made up afterwards. They always loved running around the castle and playing.

One day, the two of them were wandering around the castle after school when they found the room where all of the most powerful items were kept, locked away safely. Of course, they didn't know what exactly was in there. Only their parents knew that. For some reason, it was open. The door was slightly cracked, as if inviting the two inside. Alex stared at the door. "I've never seen the inside of this room before," he whispered. He peeked inside curiously. Alex was always curious, poking his head in places he wasn't supposed to. He was always told off for it, but he never listened. Either that, or he just forgot. "Ohhh, what's all this?" he said as he slowly walked inside. "I-I don't think w-we should be in here." Philip stuttered.

"Oh come on. You're always such a scaredy cat. Don't worry, I won't break anything." Alex told him. Philip slowly walked inside and realized how cool the stuff inside actually was. There were many things inside of that room. A beautiful necklace that had a black jewel on it, with a similar black wand sitting next to it. There were many bottles with strange liquid inside of them. Philip still felt something was off, but tried to push the feeling away. He promised himself to look, and not touch. He reminded himself that he needed to make sure his brother didn't touch anything either. But it was too late. Alex was already looking at a strange rose that had black petal tips. "What's this?" He wondered aloud. "Wait! Don't-" Philip tried to stop him.

The boy who saved the lightWhere stories live. Discover now