Chapter 7

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Nicholas was already sitting in the grass, papers in hand.
“Wow, you were really serious about this.” I said jokingly. Nicholas didn't seem in the mood for jokes. “Please, just help me! The basketball tryouts are in two weeks and if I don't get my grades up soon, I won't be allowed to participate!” He said, almost panicking. I felt bad for him.
“Hey, hey. Calm down. I'm going to help you. I might not be able to help you with everything, since we're not in all of the same classes, but I'll do what I can.”
“Oh, thank you!” He said with a sigh of relief. “This means so much to me.”
My face felt warm. No one has ever said something like this to me. “Oh. Um, you’re welcome, I guess.” I pulled out the Geometry homework and laid it out on the ground. It was the only actual class we had together. Right now we are working on right triangles in class. These aren’t that hard for me, so this would be mostly easy.
“Alright, Let’s get started.”
“You have to square the number before adding them together to get the hypotenuse. Then you square root the final number to get your answer.”
“Oh! I think I get it now. So you square four and three to get nine and sixteen, then add those together to get twenty five and square root to get five.”
“That’s correct! Wow, you are really learning quickly!”
We were still working on the math homework a while later. Nicholas was starting to understand most of the Geometry that we were currently working on in class. But I was still confused. Why could he not understand the teacher, but he could somehow understand me?
“Can I ask you something?” I asked him. “Go ahead.” He responded. “Why are you not understanding most of this? Are you not paying attention in class?” I asked. “I’m not trying to be a doctor or anything, I just want to know the problem.”
“Well, I’m not sure.” Nicholas responded. “I guess I’m just not a huge fan of math.”
“Well, why me?” I asked. “You can’t focus in class, but you can sit here with me.”
“I guess I just like focusing on you.”
Everything went silent and I felt weird. Nicholas quickly spoke again. “Or I just needed to work one-on-one with someone? I’m not entirely sure, but I think that’s the reason.”
“Oh. That does seem like the reason.” I responded. Silence again. What should I do? “What about finding a student tutor?” I asked after the uncomfortable silence. “You seem to be working just fine for me. I don’t think I want to work with anyone else now that I’m with you. Also, that favor would just go to waste.” He said.
Well he was right about that. “What else should we work on?” I asked. We had some time left, and I wanted to see what else he was struggling with.
“I have some Biology stuff I need to get done,” He said. “Alright, then let’s finish that.”
After we got finished with most of the work and ran out of time, we both headed our separate ways. I began to make my way home, and I was feeling glad that Nicholas could trust me enough to help him with his grades and schoolwork. But I could tell that he still didn’t completely trust me yet. I just needed to give him time. After a while, we might become closer friends.
I’ve never really had that many friends before. The only times I’ve had ‘friends’ were when my parents knew their parents and our parents would hang out. It was usually very awkward, even when I was younger and didn’t understand much.
I guess I’ve just always felt different than other people. The magic is one thing, but I think there is something else too, I just don’t know what that is yet.
When I got home, I had an idea. Maybe I could research stuff about magic! I ran upstairs to open my school laptop and search stuff up.
The school gave us laptops, but most of the teachers assigned stuff on paper. These were the laptops we would have throughout the entirety of high school until we were seniors. Then, once we graduated, they would be given to the new freshman that come in the next year.
Since the laptops were on the schools network, they had the ability to block any kind of website they could think of. And by ‘them’ I mean the admins. Most of them were usually just social media or websites that have games on them. Distracting stuff that might take us away from our schoolwork.
I started up the laptop and searched up “Magic powers.” The only things that came up were lists of magic powers that people could think of for characters or other things, like superheroes. There were also different kinds of mythology and fantasy sprinkled in, but that was it. I wasn’t getting much luck here.
“I guess I’m just special.” I said, falling over on my bed. My parents haven’t said anything, and I don’t think they have magic powers. I’ve never seen them use any.
“If they did have magic powers, they would’ve told me when I was old enough, right? That I’m a descendant of a line of ancient superheroes who save the world with their magic! Or, maybe something like that.”
That actually sounded cool. But, no superheroes actually existed, as well as villains. The only ‘villains’ people talk about are rich people who hoard money like dragons would. I think that it’s kind of funny when people say it like that.
I pulled out my phone and texted Nicholas. “I just looked up stuff about magic. I couldn’t find anything other than what people use to make characters lol.”
He responded immediately. “No one actually believes in that stuff, unless they’re crazy. Wait, does that mean I’m crazy?”
“No ur not haha. I bet if I showed off my powers people would think it’s just a magic trick or something.”
“Yeah lmao.”
“Alright, I’m heading off to bed.”
I put my phone down and wanted to go to sleep.
But I couldn’t.
All I could think about was Nicholas and what he said to me. And I was fine with that.
A/N: hey guys
Pretty busy today but ur getting this chapter a day early!
(Wow so cool)
Anyways ive got stuff to do
YIPPEE *explodes with glitter*

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