Chapter 6

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The next few weeks seemed to go by fast. Wilbur was getting better at using his magic and the outbursts were happening less and less. We hung out a bit more at school, and we texted each other a lot.

I was kind of worried about people making fun of us. Maybe they would think I was the weird new kid with no friends, and Wilbur, who already had no friends, was becoming friends with the weird new kid.

But none of that ever happened. Nobody cared. Nobody laughed at me like they did before. Nobody was noticing me anyways. I was pretty okay with not being in the spotlight for once.

I was also excited because basketball tryouts were in a few weeks. I wanted to be on the team so badly. Since no one was making fun of me, maybe I could finally be on a basketball team. But there was one issue: My grades.

In order to participate in any clubs or sports, you needed to show that you could focus on your schoolwork whilst also playing for a team, or doing other extracurriculars. If your grades start dropping, you'll get kicked off of your team. And my grades aren't looking that great as of right now. I needed to find a way to bring my grades up just a little bit before tryouts. I knew there was no way I would be able to do that.


I thought back to the first time Wilbur and I hung out in the woods. "Wow, You're very organized aren't you?" I said to him. "I am, actually." Wilbur replied. "That's the reason why I have such good grades."

If he's being honest about having good grades, then maybe he can help me. I've seen him in class, and he does seem to be good at Geometry. That was the class I was really struggling in, anyway.

Alright, it looks like I'm going to have to ask him to help me. It shouldn't be that hard, right?


On Wednesday, I met up with Wilbur at the park again like usual. Victoria liked that I was hanging out at the park more, though I hadn't told her the exact reason. I was sure I would tell her about my new friend soon enough.

I walked over to the clearing where he was sitting. Yet again, flowers started growing underneath him.

"Darn it. Why does this keep happening?" he said, looking frustrated. This happened every time I met up with him. It's like I had the ability to influence his magic somehow. Fascinating. I sat down on the other side of him. "So, wanna get started?" He asked. "Wait. Before we start, I want to ask you something." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

Alright, here goes. "Do you think I could... I don't know... use that favor?" Asking him seemed to be a little hard, but I managed to do it. I've never really asked someone for anything like this before, because I was scared that someone would tell me no. Mostly my parents.

"Sure. What are you thinking?" He said.

He said yes! That was great. I had a chance of being able to do this after all.

"Y'know how basketball tryouts are soon? Well, my grades aren't looking that great and they need to be just a little bit better before then. Do you think you could help me with that? Please?" I asked. My mind told me that I was looking desperate, but I tried to push those thoughts away. I needed this.

"Sure!" He responded. "But I thought it would be a little bit longer before you would come up with anything for that favor."

We both talked, and then we came up with an idea. "How about we spend half our time studying, and the other half practicing magic?" I suggested. That would definitely be a good use of our time.

"That sounds like a good idea. Bring your homework and other things next week. We are going to get your grades up." He said.

The rest of the week was a blur. All I could really feel was anxiety. What if I didn't get my grades up before the tryouts? What if this didn't work? Then I wouldn't be able to be on the team! I didn't want to miss an opportunity like this!

Wilbur gave me all of his notes and I tried to pay attention as best I could in all of my classes. I wanted to be ready for our studying session.

Next Wednesday, I rushed over to the park. I didn't even waste any time at home. I just threw my stuff in my room and raced over to the park. I still had my homework with me as I quickly headed over. I even made it there before Wilbur, which was a first.

After a few minutes, I saw Wilbur moving through the bushes. I was hoping I could get my grades up before the tryouts. If I didn't, I was screwed.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short :(

There wasn't much I could do here

Hope you enjoyed

Now I need to explode again

Also I dyed my hair pink

U might see that on my insta (If ur following me there that is lol)

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