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【13】Close Your Eyes

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The afternoon of shopping went a lot better than I'd expected. I hadn't taken the time for myself like this in months, so it was a welcome self-care moment. Ulrik had offered his credit card since he was the one who put me on the spot at the last moment, but I refused. It was too early for this, and I could pay for my own indulgences.

Since I wasn't entirely sure about the club he'd take me to, I picked a hybrid dress, one that would fit no matter the ambiance. I really could do no wrong with a little black dress, especially not with a deep square cleavage and a slit that ran high on my left thigh.

I was just out of the shower when Ulrik returned from his afternoon of work. He looked drained from his day, but as soon as he spotted me, wet and wrapped in a white towel, it all faded away.

"What a sight to come home to," he humored with a naughty grin stretching his lips.

I unwrapped the towel from around my head, biting back my smile. Then, I patted it on the lengthy strands thrown over my shoulder. For some reason, I expected him to head to the shower as well, but he came to me instead. His powerful hand came around, and he pulled me back onto him, his forearm nested right beneath my breasts.

When his warm lips descended on the slope of my neck, brushing against the droplets there, my body shivered from head to toe. "Ulrik... I'm not letting you get me all dirty again."

"We've got time. The club's activity doesn't pick up until eleven."

That meant we had several hours ahead of us, so I was out of arguments when he gently pulled on the towel, unwrapping me like a present. It dropped at our feet, and my skin prickled with goosebumps that had nothing to do with the cool air. When he tugged at it, I let go of the second towel, which joined the first one on the hardwood floor.

"Look at me," he demanded, his voice entrancing.

The dressing room was adorned with several mirrors, including one right in front of us. That was where I found his blue eyes, intently staring into mine. The sight was possibly the most erotic one I'd ever seen, since I stood there utterly naked while he wore his fine suit, tall and mighty behind me. I fought the urge to shield myself from his penetrative stare—it was useless. He's already seen me naked, already touched, and licked nearly every part of my exposed body.

With the softest of touches, he ran his knuckles along my side, igniting faint shivers that seemed to pool between my legs. My breath hitched when his lips brushed along my throat, journeying up to my ear.

"Do you know just how beautiful you are, Mila?"

My interest shifted from his hand, which was slowly making its way toward my core, focusing back on his eyes. "I've met my fair share of attractive women, kjære, but you... You put them all to shame."

He kissed my throat again, his fingers having reached the curly mound at the apex of my legs. Eager for more, I sighed and arched against him, slightly spreading my legs as an unmistakable invitation. He smiled, probably entertained by how fast he'd wrapped me into his spell, but didn't do anything to comply with my silent demand. I watched as my chest rose with shallow breaths, as my skin prickled with the need to be touched, as my eyes grew glassy and hooded... Electricity hung in the surrounding air, weighing it with the promise of what the next couple of hours would be filled with.

While he leisurely toyed with the trim patch of curls, refusing me anything more, his free hand came around to cup my breast. When he pinched its tip, rolling it between his thumb and index with the perfect pressure, I didn't hold back the moan it triggered, pressing harder onto him. He was erected, long and thick, behind his pleated pants.

"Hmm... I'm almost tempted to stay here and savor you all evening instead," he said with appreciation.

Despite the delight his words triggered, I felt compelled to protest. "I spent the afternoon looking for the perfect dress. You better take me out, Norseman."

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