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【27】Half of Me

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It was odd to watch the world go on despite my ongoing turmoil. But with every day that passed, things became slightly more manageable. My worries about the exhibit still lingered to some extent, but I found enough interesting pieces to compensate for the Westergaard collection. I would make something work, and that was a relief.

Ulrik still texted me a couple of times a day, and my lack of answers didn't deter him from doing so. There was no doubt in my mind that he was apologetic about the way things had evolved, but I couldn't look past the manipulation and lies. Even when I did, even when I understood why he'd done it, I couldn't forgive the deception.

I would have thought him mad if he'd told me about it early on. What person in their right mind would claim to be the immortal son of Odin? I would have run in the other direction without looking back.

But there was a moment between us being acquaintances and us becoming an item when the topic should have been brought up. And that moment had probably been at that Italian restaurant, where he'd revealed so much about himself—but not enough. How could he have promised as much as he had and thought that his godly condition wasn't an important factor to bring up? It made me wonder when exactly he would have found it in him to come forward with it. After we'd moved in together? After a wedding? Once we had children together?

Not that he actually wanted children anyway. I understood that as well, and why he refused to father another child. I'd seen him with Agnes, and the care and tenderness he had for her made all the sense in the world. The natural order of life was for a parent to die before their child, but he'd outlived every single one of his descendants. Again, this immortality of his was more of a curse than a blessing. What a lonely life...

Over a week went by since my return, And as Friday rolled in, I was ready for a stronger kind of distraction. Work and Gigi were good, but not enough. I still felt as though I'd left a chunk of my heart back in Norway, and I needed booze and music to forget about it.

Thankfully, my roommate had the perfect thing for me. "Is Henry joining us?" she asked from her room as we were getting ready.

"Yeah, he said he's stop by with his fiancée. And Ian's having a date night with his wife, and they might come after the restaurant."

"Ah, that's brilliant. Vick will have so much success that they'll have to hire them."

I nodded even though she couldn't see me, smoothing the black dress over my hips.

A movement to my left caught my eye, and I looked to the door to find Gi leaning on the frame. She'd gone to the hairdresser earlier today, and the previously fading color of her hair was now vividly pink. "Can you believe it, though?" she asked with a dreamy smile. "I never thought I'd find myself someone so bloody perfect."

My smile didn't quite reach my eyes, so I looked away to grab my mascara. Vick had quit their job at the club to find something closer to Gi's schedule. They'd found a position in a trendy bar downtown, which was right by the metro line that had a stop near us. Tonight was their first night, and we were coming to show our support.

The lack of response didn't fool Gigi, who came in to sit on the bed while I added another coat of mascara to my lashes. "Have you still not texted him?" she softly wondered.

I met her eyes in the mirror before shaking my head. "I told you I was done with him."

She sighed. "Did he text you again today?"

"This morning."

"I know you're still hurting, love, but you'll have to tell me what happened exactly. Everything was going so well, and them...nothing."

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