𝟎𝟎𝟒, ᴿᵁᴺᴺᴵᴺᴳ ᵀᴼ ˢᵀᴬᴺᴰ ˢᵀᴵᴸᴸ

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Third person POV 

Over the latest few weeks, Barry has been texting Meloni since he has nothing to do as he's in a wheelchair. He finds Meloni's short and cold comebacks amusing whenever he texts her. 

But after hearing three criminals are back, Jay and Meloni return to S.T.A.R. Labs to assist the team. 

Cisco chuckles, looking at the screen with the picture of the three criminals. "Oh, yeah. Weather Wizard, Captain Cold, and the Trickster." 

"Captain Cold? Weather Wizard? What on Earth are you talking about?" Meloni sends Cisco a look. 

"There's three of them and one of you. I do not like those odds." Caitlin speaks up. 

"At least better than Zoom from what I heard about your cute first meeting with the famous Earth-2 speedster." Meloni crosses her arms, glancing at Barry. 

Barry glances back at the auburn-haired girl. "Yeah, a little better. Meloni...thank you for replying to my texts. It really cheered me up." He gives her a small soft smile. 

Cisco, Caitlin and Arlo share a knowing look. Jay slowly glances over at Barry and narrows his eyes at the green-eyed speedster. 

"Dad. Stop trying to give Barry a heart attack. He's extremely overly sensitive. You should know this by now." Meloni reminds him. 

Barry smiles tightly. He knows it's her attempt at being nice so he tries to find the compliment in it but he can't help but feel insulted. And it's worse since he really likes her. 

"And I'm gonna be no help without my speed, so..." Jay trails off. 

"I still have my speed." Meloni sends Barry a knowing look. 

Barry grins slightly. 

"Oh, oh, light bulb, up here. I have an idea. Most weather phenomena are marked, no pun intended, by a change in electric charge and pressure in the atmosphere. We could just map out those fluctuations to-" Cisco speaks. 

"To pinpoint his location." Barry finishes, interrupting Cisco. 

"Right. It would just be a matter of removing all the electricity-" Cisco tries again. 

"All the electricity from his immediate surroundings." Barry interrupts again. 

Harry turns around as Barry repeatedly interrupts Cisco. 

"Attracting it-" Cisco begins. 

"To one spot." Barry and Cisco say in unison. 

"The same way a lightning rod does!" Cisco smiles widely. 

Jay glances confused between the two. 

"Only instead of a lightning rod, we could use a-" Cisco exclaims enthusiastically. 

"A wand?" Barry interrupts for the last time. 

Cisco looks slightly stunned. "Have we already had this conversation?" He questions with a slightly confused tone. 

Barry tilts his head to the side. "Kind of." 

"What does that mean?" Harry questions.

"It means you suck." Meloni comments. 

Harry gives her a small glare before turning back to Barry. Meloni grins slightly as Jay sends her a discreet thumbs up. 

"Uh..." Barry turns to Harry. "All right. So the last time Mardon attacked, he, um, generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City." 

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