𝟎𝟏𝟎, ᴿᵁᴾᵀᵁᴿᴱ

756 33 0

Third person POV 

Zoom speeds them inside the CCPD, leaving Meloni upstairs as she looks down when Zoom speeds in front of Joe and Wally. 

"Hello, old friend." Zoom greets Wally tauntingly. 

Joe pulls Wally behind him and glares at Zoom. "Stay away from him." He grits angrily through his teeth. 

All the police officers, detectives and Captain Singh hold guns towards Zoom. 

"Do not move." Singh orders Zoom. 

"Or what? You've tried your guns on me once before." Zoom tells them. 

"No, don't. Please, Dad." Meloni quickly speeds down the stairs, standing in front of Zoom and holding her hands in front of her slightly. "Don't hurt them. Please. Let them go." 

Zoom closes his eyes for a second before opening them as he stares at the police officers, detectives and police captain. "Tell everyone that this city is mine. Anyone who disobeys me will meet their end." 

Meloni glances back at Wally who stares at Zoom with fear in his eyes. Suddenly he meets her eyes and he calms down slightly. 

"All right. Clear out." Singh announces. 

Joe glances at Meloni who gives him a nod before he backs away slowly with Wally behind him. Joe and Singh walks in the back of everyone, holding a gun towards Zoom as they slowly back away. 

Zoom looks away from them and glances at the auburn-haired girl in front of him. Meloni hesitates before she grabs his right hand and holds it between her hands. She slowly meets his eyes. 

After everyone leaves the building, Zoom pulls off his mask with his free hand. 


Meloni pulls the cuffs aggressively. One side of the cuffs are attached to her left wrist and the other one to the side of the desk. 

Hunter slowly walks towards her with his mask and gloves in his hands. 

"You do know they are going to try to figure out a way to stop, right?" Meloni questions softly, giving him a pointed look. 

"Who? Barry? Wells? The police?" Hunter questions and pauses for a moment as his eyes soften before he asks the new question. "You? Would you? The only person who have a chance to stop me?"

"N-No, I wouldn't even though I know I should. So, what's your plan? You're just gonna kill everyone? Hence the name serial killer." Meloni questions. 

Hunter gives her a intense look. "Not everyone." 

"Then why are you keeping me here?" Meloni questions carefully and softly after hesitating slightly. 

Hunter's face suddenly turns vulnerable. "Because I don't want to be alone anymore." 

Meloni frowns slightly. "Why? What happened to you?" She questions. Barry only told her his name is Hunter Zolomon and not what happened with his mother so she doesn't know. 

A hint of realization crosses Hunter's face. "Much like Barry, when I was 11-years-old, my mother died. But it wasn't some future speedster. It was my father who actually killed. He wasn't framed, he was just guilty." 

Meloni shows a slight hint of regret. "It doesn't excuse anything you've ever done. But maybe I can understand it a little better now. So there's an actual motive, to my deepest surprise." 

Hunter lets out a soft chuckle. "You really are my daughter." 

Meloni's face drops and turns emotionless. "No, I'm not like you. I have no desire or need to kill, torture or horrify people. I'm not a killer." 

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐃, ᵇᵃʳʳʸ ᵃˡˡᵉⁿ [𝟏]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ