you're so beautiful

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"Thanks for the save, they seemed very..." I trailed off grimacing.

"I know what you mean." Jack chuckled, "The Marshalls are your stereotypical rich people." He rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you?" I chuckled, Jack handing me a champagne glass. I hesitated drinking it considering I had only drank alcohol once and it was on accident. And I was the one who was driving.

"No?" He recoiled then widened his eyes, "Do I seem like that to you?" He asked horrified.

"No, I was just messing with you." I laughed.

"Ok good." He sighed in relief as we walked up the main entrance stairs, "That's my biggest fear in life." He shuddered.

I laughed quietly at him as we continued walking up the stairs, "So you and Paris, huh?" He asked as we walked along the balcony overlooking the room.

"Yeah." I answered quietly as we stopped and leaned on the ledge, "She's really something and I hope I can actually turn it into something."

"I don't think you have to worry about that, she seems pretty taken with you." He laughed and patted my shoulder.

I smiled at that as Jack continued taking, "I've known Paris ever since she was a kid. You know, she always used to..." Jack said but I wasn't really paying attention.

Instead I was looking around the room, trying to find a certain blonde. When my eyes finally landed on her, I was surprised to see she was already looking at me. I gave her a soft smile to which she immediately reciprocated making me blush under my mask. I looked down at the still full champagne glass in my hand with a smile.

"Mayson?" I finally heard Jack say, "What's got you all smiley?" He snickered. I unconsciously took a glance at Paris to which he followed my gaze, a slow smirk rising on his face, "Oh I see now."

"You guys remind me off Rose and I when we were your age." He smiled looking at Rose.

"I was completely taken by her, and her me. I felt like I finally found a missing piece to myself. Like I didn't even realize the world felt so grey until I met her." He reminisced with a smile. I smiled as well because everything he was saying is exactly the way I would describe Paris.

"Of course her parents didn't like me considering where I came from." He chuckled.

"You didn't come from a wealthy family?" I frowned turning to him.

"Hell no." He snorted, "My family was dirt poor. It was just me and my mom."

"Really?" I asked suprised.

"Don't seem too shocked now." He laughed.

"Sorry you just seem... so put together." I shook my head with a smile.

"I could say the same about you." He smirked.

"But no I most definitely didn't grow up rich. I only became wealthy after I met Rose and Paris's grandmother." He explained.

"Her parents hated the fact she was with me and gave her a choice: either stay with the family wealth or get cut off and be with me." He said with a hint of disgust in his voice.

"She chose me and from there we built a life together. Paris's grandmother helped us out by paying for our school and house and helping us stay on our feet."

"It's something I'll never forget, she truly does have such a beautiful soul." He said sadly.

"I wish I got to meet her." I said.

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