A Promise (Enid)

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It had been months since Cal's last, and first, visit. Wednesday had told her parents she would try something new and that she no longer needed him to help. Enid was glad. Wednesday no longer wore gloves. They kissed and made physical contact. They finished their date at the weathervane. And Wednesday hadn't killed that kid. Yet, at least.

Enid saw an improvement in Wednesday. Her visions became less frequent and violent. On rare occasions she would even be fine afterwards. She still had problems sometimes, but Enid could tell Wednesday was trying hard not to be bothered by them.

She was surprised that one conversation had helped so much. She's just been so tired of Wednesday being so distant, especially after getting a taste of her affection. She hadn't even been thinking that much. But it worked. 

It was a little more than halfway through the year already. Wednesday's birthday was soon. Xavier was still a little bitter, but less than before. 

Enid couldn't believe they were just a year and a half away from graduating. She still had no idea what she wanted to do for a job. Wednesday knew what she wanted, though. In their Careers class she'd already made a detailed plan on how she would become an investigator for murder cases, if her career as an author didn't work out. Wednesday's book was doing extremely well, though. She had already made a few thousand dollars from book sales in the past four months it had been out. 

Enid was really proud of Wednesday. 

She was secretly thinking of getting her a promise ring. To promise they would get married after turning adults. She was sure it was what she wanted, but what about Wens? Would she except? Would she loathe the idea? Did Wens even want a future with Enid? Did she want to wear an engagement-for-the-engagement ring? 

With Wednesday's birthday nearing, Enid started to try to hint her plans to Wednesday more. But for as good a detective as she was, she wouldn't take the hints. Or maybe she knew and was just undecided. 

So Enid bought one. But chickened out. Instead, she surprised Wednesday with a new fencing blade and a flask full of snake venom. 

She didn't want to rush it. 


Enid woke again in the middle of the night. She tensed and waited for what happened last time, but it never happened. Wednesday, and Cass, were sleeping in their beds. No nightmares. No taunting visions. 

Enid tossed and turned, but she couldn't fall asleep again.

After a while, Enid heard Wednesday shift and say something.

"Can't sleep?" She asked.

"You're awake?" Enid asked, sitting up.

"You make a lot of noise when you're awake." Wednesday replied, sitting and removing her arms from where they were crossed on her chest. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"I can live with sleepless nights." 

"I guess you probably can." Enid said.

"Especially if they're because of you." Wednesday commented.

Enid felt blood rush to her face. "O-oh."

"Calm down." Wednesday replied, walking over and sitting beside Enid. "We're not alone." She pointing up to where Cass was sleeping. 

"Right. But you meant it?" Enid asked, face still red.

"Of course." Wednesday said. "And don't think I don't know about that ring."

"W-what ring?" Enid's eyebrows shot up. She was totally caught off guard. Wednesday did know after all.

"You know what I mean." Wednesday replied. Enid jumped as she felt Wednesday's fingers on her back.

"So you... you're not mad?"

"No. But you are only the second person I've ever kissed. I haven't even had that many relationships, let alone romantic ones. And neither of us have ever been in another serious relationship."

"So what? Are you saying you don't want this to be serious? What about when—"

"I'm not saying it shouldn't be. It's just that neither of us knows how any of this works. We may want to think about making big commitments before actually doing them." Wednesday cautioned. "I'm open to it, Enid. I would love to be a part of your life forever. But we've been dating for only five months."

"But a promise ring isn't quite an engagement ring. It's just a promise that we won't cheat on each other and that we'll keep dating and when the time comes, one of us can officially propose. If we still want to." 

"So let's do this." Wednesday said.

"What?" Enid was a little surprised by Wednesday's answer. "You want to?"

"Yes." Wednesday replied, then kissed Enid. Enid felt a burst of triumph and joy. Wednesday wanted it too!

"Thank you." Enid said. 

"Just get them." Wednesday ordered. Enid smiled wider and reached under her bed, where she kept the two matching rings. She handed one to Wednesday, who slipped it on. Enid put hers on too. 

Enid looked up to see Wednesday smiling. Actually smiling. They hugged. Enid loved having Wednesday's arms around her. They were protective, yet sweet.

"I love you." Wednesday whispered in Enid's ear. 

- - -


That's it for today! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 


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