Doves (Enid)

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Enid jumped as the door slammed open. Wednesday's family rushed in.

"I hope we're not intruding," Wednesday's mom said to Enid's dad, who sat beside Enid's bed.

"Oh, it's all right." He answered, though he looked a bit shell-shocked.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be out looking for Wednesday?" Enid asked.

"Well, you are a part of the family now." Wednesday's mom patted Enid's hand and smiled.

"And our little viper will be fine, I'm sure." Wednesday's dad added. "She's tougher than nails." His expression sombered slightly. "But we're putting everything into finding her, right, Tish?" He took his wife's hand. A distant look was in her eyes when she nodded.

"I'm sorry we were so late," She told Enid. "We got... held up in Albany. Maybe if we'd gotten here sooner..."

"... There's nothing you could have done." Enid said. She wasn't entirely sure that was true, but she didn't want them blaming themselves.

"Could I have a word with you?" Her mom asked Enid quietly. "Alone."

"Um, I can ask my dad to leave." Enid didn't know why she would ask to talk alone, but she turned to her dad. "Dad? Can I have a moment with Wednesday's family?"

He turned away from looking at Mr. Addams and nodded at Enid. "Sure, honey."

Once he was gone, Mrs. Addams turned to Pugsley. "Could you give us a moment, dear?"

Pugsley sighed, but left.

"What's this about?" Enid asked.

"I heard you were seeing things." Mrs. Addams said. "What were they?"

"I... I thought Wednesday called me. Then I saw a head on an arrow. I think I also had a psychic vision that ruled out one of my suspects. And then... I saw Wednesday."

"You saw Wednesday?" Wednesday's dad asked.

Mrs. Addams held out a hand to stop her husband from leaning farther in. "I've heard of this before. But psychic entanglement is extremely rare, and although it may help the psychic control their power, it's very dangerous for the non-psychic of the pair. It may very well be why you have the brain tumor. It was created by the psychic power left in you and it is able to multiply unchecked by the cells in your brain."

Enid's mouth hung open. "I don't like how that makes sense."

"There's... something else." Wednesday's mom said. "I hadn't had a psychic vision in years... but when I touched you, I did."

Enid was taken aback. "Really? But-"

"When Doves have psychic visions, they're merely images in the distance. We don't show the extreme motions Ravens do." She explained.

"But you had one. You know what that means." Mr. Addams looked with concern at his wife.

"Yes..." She trailed off. "But it also means I know where she is."

- - -

It's all coming together now. Should I add an evil laugh here? I feel like an evil laugh should be here.

Anyway, vote, comment, and follow me! Thx, and have an amazing however-long-it-takes-until-the-next-chapter-comes-out!


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