Where (Enid)

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Enid woke up sweaty. It was the middle of the night. She hadn't been able to sleep soundly. She kept worrying about Wednesday, and when she did sleep, she dreamed about the phone call. She didn't believe she was hallucinating. But there was no way to tell. In fact, all evidence pointed to her ACTUALLY hallucinating.

She didn't feel safe. She felt like she was being watched. Like the stalker was back.

She stared up at the bottom of the top bunk, where Cass was sleeping. Cass had been acting weird. Was she somehow involved in all this? Did she know where Wednesday was? Did she act like the call didn't happen because she didn't want Enid to find Wednesday?

Enid felt her breathing quicken. She slowly and silently slipped out of bed and then slipped outside from the window.

She leaned against the ledge, taking a few deep breaths of the crisp air. She supposed she was going to have to get used to being worried or freaking out, if she was gonna be with Wednesday. And she really wanted to be with Wednesday.

But something about this was disconcerting. Not like the stalker thing was, but at least Enid had Wednesday with her the whole time. Now she didn't have Wens. Couldn't tell if she was safe, or if she was dead.

Car lights from below caught Enid's attention. Who could it be at this time of night? Enid watched as the car pulled in front of Nevermore's doors. All she could see were the headlights, but she heard the car door open.

Suddenly something flew past Enid's head. She ducked a bit late, then spun around to see what it was.

She gagged. 

An arrow lay on the stone platform. Except it wasn't just an arrow.

Right in the middle of it, with the arrow struck through it's middle, was the head of a boy.


Enid woke up in the hospital wing of Nevermore. She half expected to see the pale skin and haunted eyes of the head when she opened her eyes, but to her relief all she saw was a white ceiling.

"Hey." Cass said from beside Enid's bed. Enid whirled around at the sound of her voice.

"Get away!" Enid scrambled out of the cot fast, not wanting to turn her back on Cass, but not wanting to stay close to her. She'd had enough. First the phone call, then the head of that poor kid. And Cass was the only one around. Sure, the people in the car probably sent up the head, but Cass had to be in on it.

"Enid! Wait! What are you doing?" Cass jumped up and held out her hands as if to steady Enid, like she was a dog.

"What did you do?" Enid yelled. "I know you know where Wens is! I know you impersonated Principle Holland when you killed her. I know the call was real! And I know that you're the reason the head was launched at me!"

"What the hell are you talking about, Enid?" Cass exclaimed. "What head? What call? I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"

"You do." Enid glowered at Cass. Who else could it have been?

"Enid." Cass stepped around the bed to walk closer to Enid. "You need to be examined. You're either hallucinating- or something worse."

"Don't--" Enid protested, swatting Cass' hands away that were trying to land on Enid's shoulders.

But the moment Enid had skin-to-skin contact with Cass, she felt like her neck was snapping.


"So you just--" Cass was yelling when Enid jumped and pulled out her phone. She swiped a few times, and mumbled indistinctly.

Cass stepped towards Enid, who was still mumbling and staring at her phone. Cass leaned towards her.

"Are you okay?" Cass asked.

"No!" Enid's head snapped up and her terrified eyes were wide. "Do you think I am?!"

"What's wr--"

Enid felt herself pulled back into her body. She stumbled forward, her mind racing.

"What was that?" Cass exclaimed.

Enid panted. "I... I think I just had a psychic vision."

- - -

Oh, yeah. I like this chapter.

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