2- Pain is the answer

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(Present day, Isabella is 16)

Isabella pov

It was pouring and the sky was dark. I was in the middle of a car race on an old dirt track. I lived in Australia so there were millions of dirt tracks. I zoomed past the other cars and went straight past the finish line before jumping on my breaks.

I opened my door and stepped out. I was driving one of my favorite cars It was a beautiful Ford Mustang. I had been given this as a gift from my manager for winning 10 races in a row when I was 14.

 I had been given this as a gift from my manager for winning 10 races in a row when I was 14

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The crowds eyes darted from my car to me. I whistled for a vehicle manager to come and collect my keys. Quickly A short middle aged man jogged over and I threw my keys at his face. I had places to be especially since I had a curfew.

"Don't make a single mark on it or I will shatter ever bone in your body" I said as my teeth clenched so my voice was colder. He nodded quickly at least a million times before rushing over to my car and driving it back to my shed. Racing and Fighting had brought me a lot of money, and I didn't always know what to use it on. 

I refocused and darted out of the dirt track. I had to get home to my 'wonderful' stepfather. My stepfather had killed my mother after she hadn't prepared dinner on time. He took food very seriously yet never went to the shops to buy it because he had to keep a low profile from the police. I knew I could fight considering my street fighting skills but I could never find the courage to beat the abuser.

I ran out to my simple push bike and started my journey to his house. I refuse to call it home. After a while I made it back to his small apartment.

I dashed up the stairs before waiting outside the door. I looked down at my watch seeing it was 9:14pm, I was past curfew by 14 minutes. The punishment would not be pleasant. I opened the door quietly praying for any luck.

But clearly I'm never lucky. I tiptoe in and see Henry awake and screaming at the TV. "YOU STUPID FAGGOT, SCORE ALREADY!" Of course it was another rugby games. Sadly he always picked on one player that never scored accurately.

I attempt to tiptoe away silently but once again no luck. "Isabella!" He demanded. I quickly walked over to his side.
"Yes sir" I mumbled.
"You are past curfew, I'm out of beer and I had no dinner prepared!"
"Sorry sir" I mumbled over and over.
I quickly shut my mouth and found a spot on the floor to stare at.
"Turn around hands on the wall!"
I wasted no time to do as I was told. Out of instinct I lifted the back of my shirt. I heard the click of his belt coming off.
"Think of this as an easy consequence" he snarled.
I closed my eyes waiting for him to have his satisfaction.
I feel the warm blood slide down my back
Fuck, these were my good jeans.
I feel a tear slide down my face but I can't wipe it until he is done otherwise I might fall over from exhaustion.

I opened my eyes and Immediately do so. I looked up. Big mistake.
He kicked me over. I was now laying on the cold wooden floor. He kicked me again and again. He then knelt down and punched me in the eye and again on the forehead. Might I add his aim is horrible.

Hours passed of him beating me while I laid on the floor. The hours felt like days as I felt every drop of blood pool from my body. I felt the bruises form around my eye and across my stomach.

Before I knew it he punched me again in the same eye as before knocking me out. My scars and Bruises had probably tripled in size and quantitiy.

*the next morning*

I opened my eyes to the sun beaming down at me. I looked around hoping for Henry to have left for work already. His shoes, hat and wallet are gone so he must have left already. So now my luck wants to help. I roll from my side to back and try to get up. Key word try. The pain in my stomach and ribs feel like hell. But then again this isn't the worse he had done.

I wait a few more minutes for managing to get up. I use the wall for support as I make my way to the bathroom. I enter and sit on the bathtub rim. I look down at my watch. The time is 6:26am. Meaning I have until 7 to get ready. I had to walk to school which was 45 minutes away walking. I had to be ready to leave at 7 as I always passed a delicious cafe.

Anyways, I focused and stood back up to look at the damage today. I glared at the mirror and saw my black eye. I lifted my shirt to see dried blood and a scatter of bruises, cuts and scars. The cuts always left scars so I was covered in millions of them. He usually doesn't hit my face as he didn't want any attention on us but yesterday I guess he was to drunk and high to care.

I pulled out my makeup and sat it on the bench as I turned the shower on. Hot showers don't exist in the house hold, well at least not for me. I strip my clothes off and jump in the shower carefully. The stinging and pain sides as my body goes numb from the cold.

After a while I turn the water off and wrap my body with a towel. I leave the bathroom carrying my makeup and take it to my 'room'. My room is a small cupboard under the stairs. I know right Harry Potter vibes. But it has a mirror, lights and an old mattress to sleep on. The mattress may have springs sticking out and may be falling apart but I couldn't care less. I get change into an outfits appropriate for school. I wear some ripped jeans, a tank top and a warm yellow-ish jacket. I just leave my hair down.

I know that the teachers and students don't like me very much but it's fine instead they are scared of me

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I know that the teachers and students don't like me very much but it's fine instead they are scared of me. I have no friends because why get attached to randoms.

I finish my makeup and look at my watch again. 6:57am. Damn today I was slow. I quickly throw my converse shoes on and sprint out the door grabbing my hidden wallet on the way. I hide this wallet because it has all my money. I use the money for cars, good, clothes and other things I need.

I race down the street running into school.

I am posting a few chapters at once so there is more to read. I hope you are enjoying it.

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