14- Shopping time

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Isabellas POV

We went to the garage, and I was told I could pick any car. There were so many. There was a black Porsche Cayenne, a grey Pagani Huayra, a yellow McLaren Elva, a red Ferrari Monza, a blue Bentley Bacalar, a White Lotus Evija, a black McLaren speed tail and so many more. I decided on the Porsche Cayenne because of its style. It wasn't the fastest but it was good.

I loved cars so much but I loved motorbikes more. I doubted they would let me back on one again though thanks to the crash. I was fine though, my leg was getting better it was just bruised and had a healing gash. My head hurt then but it was good now.

"Alright lets go" Victor said and got in the passenger side. Rondo got in the driver seat and Iza got in the back. I joined Iza and we left. We had about a 15 minute drive but I didn't mind.

"I was thinking earlier. When I was fighting you how did your cast not get in the way?" Rondo questioned eagerly.

"Well, I started in an okay fighting position and managed to keep it away from your hurts and kicks"

"Cool, well I feel like you have hardly told us about yourself. You have told us your past but not about yourself" Victor chirps in.

"Yeah. Like what's your favorite color? Favorite food? Favorite place? Favorite sport?..."

"Okay calm down. My favorite color is either Black or forest green, I looovvveee Lasagna but choc-chip ice cream is so much better. I love climbing trees, motorcycles and guitar as well as singing which you guys saw earlier. Apart from Marketti, he is one grumpy yet busy man"

"Why do you have anger issues? Also we are nearly at the shops and then on the way home we can go past the chemist for any meds you need"

"Cool. I have anger issues because of my past and because when I was young I didn't like being home so I spent most of my time on the streets until I met the Black Panthers a gang. They taught me how to survive. They also tortured me whenever I couldn't do something. I was taught anger and violence is the only way to survive in a world like this. Violence isnt the answer, It is the solution. I remember my coach aways saying that."

"Damn so that's why you are an angry fire cracker. Well here we are" Iza added. I looked out the window and saw we had parked already outside a shopping center. I made sure I grabbed my wallet and phone before leaving home. They were in my pocket. We got out of the car and locked it. A few people turned and stared at us before we entered.

"Why are they staring?"

"We are kinda known in the area, Like at school because Victor failed a few years he is in the same grade as you and Iza. You will be joining grade 12 and skipping grade 11 thanks to your grades. Iza did the same thing as he is not as smart as you but really good at some subjects." Rondo filled me in some more.

I nodded my head before looking around. There were many expensive shops and some cheap. We walked around until they eventually pulled me into Armani a clothes shop. I didn't get anything and we left. I found a Kmart that I was eager to buy from.

"I will not be caught dead shopping in here" Rondo said and rolled his eyes.

I looked at him and actually smiled.

"Please then you can pick any shop" I requested.


We went in and I picked some hoodies, jeans, shorts, shirts, sweater and dresses at Victors request.


After paying we went to an expensive stationary shop at Rondo's request and bought a lot. We went to the apple shop and bought a new phone, headphones, laptop and watch. I didn't need any of it but I didn't complain. Eventually we visited more shops and by now I had 6 full bags of clothes, 4 of tech and 5 of stationary. I was getting spoilt. It was not fun. I had my wallet but even when I offered to pay they said no and tapped their card. God they were so fucking annoying. I wanted to punch something but Instead I just froze in the middle of the walkway.

"Bella? What are you doing?" Rondo said and pulled us all to the side.

I had to come up with an excuse.

"Im starving, I have been walking for like 4 hours and I'm so tireddddd"

And with that we went back to the car. I saw someone following us out of the shops but I didn't say anything. We jumped in the car and left. We stopped by Maccas and got a few things. By few I mean a lot. Rondo got: A large fries, A cheeseburger, A big mac, A small frozen coke, An ice-cream and apple slices. Victor got: A medium fries, A wrap, A medium chocolate milkshake and a toasty. Iza got: 2 ice-creams, A large frozen pepsi, Large fries, A quarter pounder and apple slices. I ordered finally, I got: Apple slices, a wrap, a cheeseburger, 2 ice-creams, large fries and a extra large pepsi.

After collecting our food we drove down to a small beach. We all got out and struggled to carry our food to one of the large tables near the water. We ate and then I got up and walked down to the water. I didn't have my swimmers or I would get in. The others followed me and we all put our feet in.

"Come on, its already somehow 4pm and someone has to make dinner"

"I can cook." I said then went back to the car. I got in and so did my brothers. I rested my head against Iza's shoulder and fell asleep. I could still hear some mumbling but I drowned it out. 

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