25- Hair and trouble

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Isabella's POV

I woke up to something poking me. I moved to postion myself to face the door. I saw Victor and Levi standing there with 2 brooms attachted to eachother making one long stick. They were poking me with it.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" I yelled while throwing a pillow at the door.
"We had to wake you up you little grump" Victor replied.
"Nope, Get LOST"

"No can do sis, we have school" Victor laughed. I simply groaned and rolled over. I heard the door shut and I thought that had left until Someone started jumping on the bed. IZA. Then someone else started pulling the blanket off. VICTOR. God did these guys have a fucking death wish. I would make it slow and painful just for that. I felt nauseous but passed it off as nothing. I sat up and kicked Victor in the shin as well as pushing Iza off the bed.

"Get the Fuck out so I can get ready" I said in a monotone voice. The both nodded and got out. I had to wash my hair. I wasn't going to school today, when we get there and they go to their own class I was leaving school anyways. Dante, Emilia and Luna wanted to get hair done. Dante needed a new haircut and the girls wanted highlights. Anyways, I showered, washed my hair, put some mascara and powder on, got changed, packed my bag then went downstairs. I found Iza and Victor eating waffles. I wasn't hungry as that nauseous feeling was still here.

"Bells, want anything before we go?" Victor asked after seeing I came down with my stuff completely ready. "Nah, can we go?" I question knowing my hair appointment is at 10am and its currently 8am meaning school started in like 30 mins. He nodded his head and yelled at Iza to get down here. A few seconds later we were waiting at the bottom of the stair case and we heard Iza running down. Then we saw him trip and fall down at least 10 more steps.

"HAHAHAHAHHAH" I Started laughing so hard that I had to hold on to Victor for support. After I was done laughing my nausea was worse. I still shrugged it off rememebering that we had dinner with the family tonigh to plan the ball more. Great. Note that sarcasm everyone. I love how they are going to introduce me to the Mafia's and celebrate Iza and my birthday but maybe I didn't want a big party. I was only going to make them proud. I always felt the need to make people proud even if I didn't want to or if t would hurt me. Anyways, We went to the car and started driving to school. We arrived awhile later with Iza driving and speeding a lot.

Good thing is we survived and made it to school with 10 minutes to spare. I ran to meet my friends at our lockers and of course they were there. They were always early. I greeted them and they greeted me back.

"Okay guys we should get going so we can get some breakfast on the way" Dante said. We all agreed and Dante said he would buy it all as another goodbye gift to us. He also said he would be bringing our gifts to school tomorrow.

"You all have two gifts each cause I am so nice" He kept saying.

"Dante, I also have a gift for you" I said not thinking. I hadn't gotten him anything. After the hairdressers we were planning on going back to school so my brother's wouldn't know cause by the time we finish it would be close to finishing time. I mean our siblings would still know thanks to role marking but we planned ahead and paid a few people to say here to our names.

"That is so sweet Bella. Okay guys I mean it we should go now" Dante said again.
"Who's car?" Emilia asked.
"I didn't bring a car today and neither did Luna" I add
"Alright we can take mine but no complaining" Emilia states rolling her eyes. We nod and follow her out to this beautiful 4WD. It was a black ram. We stood with our mouths open until she beeped the horn. Then I realised she was already in the car. Luna and I got in the back and Dante sat next to Emilia in the passenger seat. We started driving and Emilia made us take a few off-road tracks to beat traffic. About 10 minutes later we had pulled up outside starbucks.

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