chapter 5: escaping to go...

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cartman: "well then, smart guy, explain us what you're talking about"
stan: "can't you understand?! it has always been so easy! the answer has always been right in front of us and we never noticed it!"
butters: "i still don't get it-"
stan: "guys. listen to me"

stan got up from the floor for the first time after that day. then, he held his friends' shoulders finally smiling for the first time in almost a week.

stan: "as you all know guys, we have proof that the afterlife exists."
kenny: "yeah, dude. i tell you everyda-"
stan: "think about it! we saw god and satan, jesus lives here in south park and satan's son has been in our school for one day."
butters: "yes, stan, i'm sure kyle is in a beautiful place now, too"
stan: "you still don't get it! just listen to me."
stan: "if the afterlife exists, then, when people die, they get there for sure. we just have to find a way to get there now, while we're alive, and take kyle's soul back here to the living world."
cartman: "damn, the halloween tegridy special of this year must be really strong, you guys"
stan: "eric, please. i'm being serious now. basing on everything we know, it's not impossible. we'll go to heaven, take kyle's soul back and bring him into its body again."
cartman: "what do you mean with «we»?"
stan: "i mean that, even if i'd do everything to get kyle back, i just can't do it alone. i- i need your help guys"

in that moment, butters received a message

butters: "oh hamburgers.. i'm sorry, stan. i'd gladly come with you but it was my dad and he's going to ground me because i'm being twenty minutes late."
stan: "don't worry, dude. i still can count on them"
cartman: "uhm, excuse me? what if we get blocked there forever? even if heaven is a beautiful place i'm still too young to remain there for the eternity. plus, halloween is gonna be in two days, and i don't wanna miss it, you know? i wanna do trick or treat and receive a lot of treats"
stan: "holy shit, how did we even arrive at this point? okay, fatass, i'll give you fifty dollars if you come with me."
cartman: "alright, i'm in"
kenny: "awh, i'd come anyway but i need that money a lot more than him, that's not fair!"
stan: "alright, alright. i'll steal my dad's entire wallet. then i'll give you both twenty-five now, and the others only when kyle is back. if it won't work, you'll keep the twenty-five dollars"
kenny: "sounds fair."
cartman: "yeah, it can work"
stan: "so, how do we get to heaven?"
cartman: "are we even sure he's there?"
stan: "i'm not even answering this question"
kenny: "we may go to jesus' house. if there's someone here who can help us, that's him"
stan: "right"

stan, kenny and cartman prepared some stuff in their bags: cartman took some food, stan took his dad's wallet, three walkie-talkies and a crowbar; and kenny took three torches and some digging shovels, since their plan was to dig up kyle's corpse and let his soul enter it.
then, after collecting everything they needed, they had to get out of stan's house, but they couldn't go by the front door, since stan's parents had to know nothing about it, and they couldn't escape from stan's window either, since it was now suicide proof.

cartman: "what do we do now?"
stan: "i-i don't know! let-let me think for a moment!"
cartman: "what about sedating your parents?"
stan: "are you fucking crazy?? has your brain exploded because you take too much glucose??"
cartman: "what is gluc-"

in that moment, stan and cartman were interrupted by a loud crash: kenny jumped on the net and smashed it.

kenny: "you see? it wasn't that difficult"
stan and cartman: ...
cartman: "this isn't.. this isn't your first time escaping a house, is it?"
kenny: "yup, it isn't. plus, i want to fix our friendship, and this is a good way to start"
kenny: "come on, now give me a rope so we can climb down from this window"
stan: "this is the motivation we all need to do this"
kenny: "i know. now let's go"

the three friends passed through stan's window easily enough, except for cartman who had some trouble passing from the window, due to his "big bones"
stan saw the outside town for the first time in almost a week, it wasn't changed physically, but the atmosphere was dull: south park is a small town, and for the first time since its people could remember, a young kid had died.

stan: "do you guys remember jesus' address?"
kenny: "yes, i do. luckily i'm pretty good at remembering addresses and streets. follow me, guys. but what is the plan actually? are we gonna ask jesus a permission to come back from heaven too, or are we going to wait until october 31st, when every soul will be allowed to walk in the living world?"
cartman: *to stan* "is it just me or he really talks like he has already been there?"
stan: *to cartman* "i don't know, man. he often talks like this"

[after a while, at jesus' house]

*knock knock*

jesus: "who's there?"
stan: "it's- it's me, stan"
jesus: "stanley! kenny! eric! i'm happy to see you. is everything alright, kids?"
stan: "actually, no. we need your help.."
jesus: "that's why i'm here, children. tell me everything"
stan: "well.. you see, kyle-"

jesus interrupted stan with a smile, thinking he had understood what the problem was

jesus: "oh, don't worry dear! these things are totally normal these days!"
stan: "wh-what are you-"
jesus: "i can assure you, i've never found something bad in homosexuality, it's the church that painted me like that!"
stan: ...
cartman and kenny: "homosexuality?"
jesus: "wait- wasn't this the point? stan and kyle fancying each other?"
cartman: "they do???"
stan: "anyway. this wasn't the point, no. the point is that he died a week ago.."

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