You Tease | Part 2

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It was the morning after Johnny and I had our first night alone together. We stayed in his room overnight. I found myself waking up to his alarm and his arms around me, cuddling me from behind. "Oh shit!" I shouted, causing him to jump awake, and I turned off the alarm, quickly getting out of bed.
"What happened?" he asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"I'm late! I had a mission with Gaz today." I explained, rushfully pulling up my pants, then putting on my shirt.
"Oh." he said, sitting up and getting off the bed as I put on my shoes. "Wait!" He grabbed my hand just before I could reach the door, then he pulled me into a hug. "Stay safe." He whispered in my ear.
I hugged him tightly. "I promise." I whispered back before pulling from the hug. He cupped my cheek quickly and pulled my lips against his. I hummed happily and kissed back, holding onto his shoulders tightly. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, but I giggled and pulled away. "I have to go." I told him, smiling.
He laughed and nodded, letting me go. "Okay. I'll see you later. I love you." He took my hand and kissed my knuckles.
"I love you too." I rushed out of his room and to my room, quickly putting on my gear before running out of the building to find Gaz waiting in a helicopter. "Come on, already. A few minutes longer, I would have left your ass here." he yelled over the running helicopter blades.
"Sorry!" I shouted, jumping into the helicopter. "I slept in." I admitted, grabbing and loading my sniper rifle.
"Look. I get that you and Soap had fun last night. But you gotta remember you have a job to do." He said, and I felt my cheeks get warm.
"So you heard that?" I asked, glancing between him and the gun in my hand.
"Everyone heard it." He said, rolling his eyes and shifting in his seat across from me.
"Is somebody jealous?" I asked, lifting my eyebrows towards him and leaning backward. 
"No." he defended himself. "Just… just annoyed." He explained, not looking back at me.
"Is it because you don't have a girl to scream your name like Soap does?" I smirked and bit my bottom lip. Gaz scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Shut it!" Said the pilot as we took off in the helicopter. "I don't want to hear that!" He said as he drove.

After we got to the landing site. Gaz and I jumped off the chopper, and I set up my gun. "I got you from here." I told him, laying down on the ground and angling my rifle.
"Copy that." Gaz nodded before jogging his way down the hill, gun at the ready as he snuck his way into the base. We were looking for information on a mafia drug lord.
"How was it looking, Blade?" Captain Price's voice rang in my ear since he was on the mike back at the base.
(I might just use the name Blade for all of the girls even though most of them are different scenarios.)
I used my scope to get a better look at the buildings. "I've got movement in the building C." I said, trying to get a closer look through the scope.
"Copy." Said Gaz before he crouched down and slid next to the entrance of the building.
Just as Gaz hit the door knob, letting the door swing open. A guard with a gun appeared in the window, and I didn't miss the opportunity to get him with a headshot. His body dropped from view. Gaz entered the building, and there was lots of gunfire. I shot a couple more guards through the windows until there was silence. "Gaz, are you still alive?" I asked into the mike.
"For now." he mumbled and scoped the building, looking for anything useful.
"Copy that." I added. I shifted my body as I looked at building B. "Movement in building B." I said into the mike.
"Copy that. Moving now." Gaz responded, leaving building C and sneaking his way across the street of busted vehicles. I noticed a guard with a gun on top of building B, so I shot him, and his body fell in front of Gaz. "Nice shot." he said into the mike.
"Just doing my job." I replied and shot another guard through a window of building B. I switched my scope over to thermal to see how many guys were inside. I had forgotten my scope had done that. "There are 3 people inside, Gaz." I warned him, but he didn't respond before he kicked open the door and rushed in, shooting all 3 of them, and their bodies dropped one by one. "Good job, mate." I said, mocking his British accent.
"Don't do that." Price said into the mike, and I chuckled to myself.
"Copy that." I responded in my own voice.
"She makes a good British accent, however." Gaz said into the mike as he checked out the building.
"Don't tell Soap, though." Price replied, and I laughed.
Gaz exited building B and rushed over to A. "Do you have a visual on people inside?" Gaz asked over the mike.
I used my thermal to check it out. "Only 2 guards. They're standing in front of the door. Could be guarding the info we're looking for." I told him.
"Copy." He responded before climbing up onto the roof, taking off one of the ceiling grates, and tossing a bomb inside.
I panicked. "Gaz. What are you doing? You're going to destroy the evidence!" I yelled and stood up, still looking through my scope.
"It's a smoke bomb," he replied. The bomb went off, and he dropped it, shooting both guards before his feet even touched the ground.
I used my scope to check out the building again but I heard footsteps step behind me and I only got to turn half way before I was kicked in the knee, dropping me to both my knees and pistol whipped in the face causing me to fall the rest of the way. I accidentally dropped my gun and groaned from the pain in my cheek as my gun slid down the hill. "Son of a bitch!" I shouted before struggling to stand up and tackling one of the two guards that snuck up before me. I only punched the guard a couple of times before the other one kicked me in the rib cage, knocking me off of his friend. I used my pistol from my hip to shoot the guard that kicked me before jumping back on top of the other one and punching him multiple times in the face until he stopped moving.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Yelled a voice from behind me, pulling me off of the dead guard.
I turned to realize it was the pilot of the helicopter. "Where the hell were you?" I asked, holding my knee since the pain started to kick in.
"I didn't want to give away our position. So I parked the chopper somewhere else." He explained, and his eyes widened, staring at the blood dripping from my face.
"Well, that didn't help, did it?" I yelled at him before leaning over and groaning painfully. "Fuck."
"Everything good up there?" Gaz yelled from a distance. He had papers in one hand and my sniper in the other hand. "What the hell happened?" He asked, looking at the 2 dead guards on the ground.
"Kicking ass and taking names." I said, still leaning over and staring at the ground.
"I got what I needed. Let's get back to the base and tell Captain." He handed me my gun.
"Okay." I nodded and walked to the chopper with Gaz and the pilot.

I was sitting in Med Bay, letting the doctor stitch up my cheek when Johnny ran in. The doctor had washed off my knuckles and diagnosed me with a fractured kneecap and a slight concussion. "Gaz told me what happened." Johnny said, running over to me.
"Ah ah." The doctor stopped him just when he was a couple of feet away from me.
"Are you okay?" He asked, His eyes not moving away from mine. He looked scared as if I was badly injured more than I actually was.
"I'm fine." I replied, smiling.
He sighed, and he sat down in the chair next to me. The doctor finished stitching me up, then grabbed a small bottle of painkillers. "Take one of these every few hours, and you'll be fine." He told me before glacning at Johnny then back at me. "Stay off that leg for a while, and it should heal up fine." He added before walking away.
Johnny scooted closer in the chair, staring at me intensely. "What happened to your knuckles?" He asked, looking at my bruised hands as I held the bottle of pills.
"I beat 1 of the guards to death." I said sarcastically, examining the bill.
"Of course." He smiled, and my stomach turned. "So tough." He added, speaking softly.
"You'd be surprised at how tough I am." I told him, winking.
He bit his bottom lip. "Oh, I know, darlin'." he said, smirking. I laughed and shook my head. "Let me help you." he said, standing up and going over to my side that had the fractured knee. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder as he did with his arm around my waist and helped me stand before helping me to my room. "You know, if you need help taking a shower. You can let me know." He whispered in my ear as we got into my room.
"I might just take you up on that offer." I said, smirking with my arms still around his shoulders.
"You don't have to ask me twice." He explained excitedly, pulling my body to his by my hips and kissing me.

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