Big Girl | Part 2

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I know I take forever to post a chapter, and I thank you guys so much for being patient and always leaving wonderful comments.🫶

It's been a month since Price and Ghost helped me in that bar parking lot. I healed up just fine with no permanent damage because they've both been keeping a close eye on me. They were sweet while I was still healing, but after I became healthy again. They went back to their stern, masculine ways. Those were the teammates I knew.
I haven't really gone out since that night. I've been staying on base with the team, just lots of training and missions. But during our off time, all I had to do was ask the guys if they wanted to drink with me. They often said yes. But tonight, it was just the three of us. Price, Ghost and I sat on the couch in the lounge with our own drinks. None of us were in uniform but comfortable home clothes, Ghost wasn't even wearing his mask. He was sitting on my right, and he made himself a Bourbon, dry. Price was sitting on my left, and he had a large whiskey on the rocks. I had my favorite drink as I sat comfortably in the middle. The couch was pretty long, so I wasn't touching either one of them, but I felt safe in between them as we spoke of the most random things. I felt like a queen with two of her strongest guards by her sides. Sure, they were both still tough and intimidating, British military men. But they were my friends... Not to mention that I don't need help from alcohol to find them attractive.
Price has now been speaking a little more kindly to me. I get chills from how smooth his words rolled from his tongue and the rumble of his low accent. I would catch him checking me out from time to time, and it would only make me blush and look back away. He made me want to crumble at his feet.
But I was almost doing the same thing to Ghost by just staring at his face a little too long. He was so handsome, like a chiseled statue. His skin was pale, and he had some old battle scars on his neck and face. His hazel eyes could pierce holes in me as we spoke.
We got on to the subject of how Gaz and Soap were on a double date with a couple of female soldiers. Not a moment later, Soap called Ghost. "Damn." he muttered as he sat down his bourbon. "I have to take this." He stated as he pushed himself off the couch and answered the phone with a low, "What happened?" As he walked out of the room.
Price and I chuckled as he shook his head. "I have a feeling Soap told Ghost he was going to call him if something wasn't going the way he hoped." I said before taking a drink.
"I think you're right." Price nodded and smiled before sipping his whiskey. When he took too big of a gulp, some of his whiskey dripped down onto his mustache and through the hair on his chin. When he pulled his cup away, I guess he couldn't feel the whiskey because he didn't wipe his mouth. "Price, you've got-" I said, chuckling as I reached over and wiped his beard with my thumb, cleaning off the corner of his mouth and the side of his chin. He reacted only by lifting his hand and nearly cupping the back of mine. "You had whiskey in your beard." I said, smiling at him with soft eyes.
He chuckled amusingly before switching his hand to the underside of mine and kissed my knuckles. "Thank you." he said with almost seductive eyes. I felt my chest get heavy as I clinched his fingers in my hand. A small smirk spread across his lips as he kissed my knuckles once more, keeping eye contact with me.
I guess he could read how I was reacting to such a romantic gesture. He must have known that it sparked something in me. "Price..." I muttered gently.
"You can call me John." He said, his deep blue eyes never leaving my gaze, and he even squeezed my hand once more before moving up and kissing the back of my hand.
My smile widened, and I inhaled heavily. "John... I just... wanted to thank you again for that night in the parking lot." I said as he continued to hold my hand near his face.
He lifted his head as he was still staring in my eyes, causing my heart to start racing. "It was no trouble at all." He said in a smooth tone and his cute smile.
"Is there any way I can repay you?" I asked as I glanced at his lips. My hand that was holding my drink was slowly lowering to my lap.
I think he saw me glance to his lips before he began to speak. "This may be the whiskey talking." He said as his eyes turned honest and genuine, causing me to melt further. "But the first thing that came to mind..." He looked at my lips while he was slowly pulling my hand, getting me to lean towards him. "A little kiss..." he said, looking back up into my eyes.
I swiftly set down my drink on the coffee table but still looked into his eyes. "I think we can manage that." I smirked, gently cupping his face with my free hand, letting my fingers tangle in his beard. Not even a second pass before John's drink was down on the table next to mine, and his hands were on my hips, pulling me closer. I was almost in his lap as I hooked my hands on the back of his neck. He didn't waste time crashing our lips together, humming in a low growl as he tasted the alcohol that still lingered in my mouth. I got a hard hit of his whiskey, but it only made me cave in his arms. I pushed harder against his lips as my eyes fluttered closed. He cupped my back with his large hand before moving his other one down to my rear and pulling me all the way into his lap. I hummed sweetly once more and tilted my head deepen the kiss. John's hands held my back and my rear tightly, keeping my body close to him. I wanted to continue more than anything, but the thought of Ghost walking in on us formed a pit in my stomach. "J-john-" I muttered, finally pulling away from his lips, which only caused him to move his lips across my jawline and down to my neck. "Ghost could come back in a second." I whispered, trying to hide a moan as his lips grazed my sweet spot.
His jaw clenched, followed by a grunt, and he rested his forehead against the croak of my neck. "You're right." he sighed, looking back up at me, then glanced at the doorway. We just stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes before the doorknob started to turn. I was quick and scrooted back to my spot before picking up my drink and taking a sip. John's shoulders fell as he leaned back between the armrest and the back of the couch before he wiped his mustache and lips. Ghost sighed heavily as he walked through the door. "Everything alright?" I asked as Ghost walked back to the couch and flopped down.
"Yeah, Soap told me he and Gaz are going home with the girls." His voice rang as he grabbed his drink and then took a sip.
I chuckled and nodded. "Good for him..."
"Yeah." John muttered, grabbing his drink. "I'm gonna go to bed." He added, getting off the couch, flashing a look at me. He took a sip of his whiskey as he strolled out the door.
"Good night, old man." said Ghost as he sipped his bourbon. John let out a mocking chuckle as the door shut, causing me to laugh.
Ghost looked at me as I shook my head, chuckling. "I don't think I ever told you. But you have a beautiful laugh." Ghost said, his voice had a hint of tenderness laced within his deep accent.
My heart dropped, and I looked over at him, causing him to quickly look away and sip his bourbon. "Thanks, Ghost." I said softly, relaxing in my seat,
He sighed and looked at me. "Just call me Simon." he said, then took another drink, finishing it.
A smile spread across my lips, and I nodded, still staring at him. "Alright... Simon." I added with a cheeky smile.
He glanced at me before rolling his eyes and chuckling. He was so attractive when he smiled, it sent butterflies in my stomach. He leaned forward and sat the empty glass on the table. He rested his arm on the back of the couch before looking at me with relaxed eyes and just the slightly smirk on his lips. I couldn't think of anything to say as we just stared at each other for a few long seconds. I noticed his eyes dropped down to my lips, so I took the opportunity to finish off the little bit of my drink and then gently licking across my top lip. Simon swallowed hard before looking back up into my eyes. "Since we're not on duty." he said, slightly adjusting himself to lean closer. "Our relationship doesn't have to be strictly professional?" He asked in an almost suggestive tone.
I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from chuckling, but I couldn't hide my smile. "I don't think it does." I agreed as I set down my glass.
"So how would you feel if I kissed you?" He glanced at my lips and raised his eyebrows. Simon was always a forward man, but I was almost surprised by how calmly he said it.
"I wouldn't... stop you." I muttered as quietly as a mouse before leaning forward.
His mouth curled into a smile before he looked at my lips. "Good girl." He whispered before leaning forward and meeting my lips with his own. I get chills from the praise as we both gently move our lips together. We both scooted closer, and his hand moved to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. A low hummed vibrated from my throat, and he smiled against my lips.
"Well this is awkward." said John from the door, startling me, causing Simon and I to pull away and look at John.
Simon's eyes moved away as he wiped his mouth. "John-" I tried to explain but I didn't have an excuse. I felt like a common whore who just got caught. But John did seem mad. His smirk told me that he liked the show.
"Do you want to tell him or should I?" John asked as he set down his cup and a cheeky smirk covered his face.
Simon's eyebrows scrunched together as he looked between John and I. "Tell me what?" He asked, confused.
Well shit... Said the little voice in the back of my head.

We sat in silence for a few moments as I tried to gather how to explain the situation. "Tell me what?" Simon asked again, this time more eagerly.
I looked at John and then at Simon. "When you took the phone call from Soap and you stepped out. John... and I kissed a little." I muttered, feeling embarrassed. I glanced at John as he was still smirking. He seemed to get joy out of catching me making out with someone else after I had just made out with him.
"I see." Simon said softly as he sat back in his seat. "What was your plan after making out with me?" He asked as his eyebrows scrunched so close together that they almost became one.
"I didn't really have one." I utter softly and shrugged. "I just got caught up in the moment." I added before signing. "I'm sorry to both of you." I said, standing up from the couch, but Simon quickly followed.
"I've got an idea." Simon said as he took my hand gently, causing me to look up at him. "John..." Simon started as he looked over at our captain before back at me. "Did you get taught how to share in primary school?" He asked John as he looked deeply into my eyes, causing my heart to stop.
"Yes." said John as I could hear his steps growing closer before he gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him as Simon still held my hand. "I'm very good at sharing." He said as he looked into my eyes.

I do plan on writing apart 3 to this chapter but I will be working on a part 2 to a different chapter before that.

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