Chapter 1: Dying Is Not Cool

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I'm about to die for the first time, but I'm not aware of it yet. It's kind of nerve-wracking, but hey, dying is never fun, right? I should know. After all, the number of lives I've taken in my years as Raven, the elite assassin, would make the God of Death blush.

But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I should focus. I've been waiting my whole life to kill him, and I don't want to miss my chance. Prince Alexander Hartley, heir to the Ironhold throne. A bloody monster. The man who burned my village to ash.

The night air is cool against my face as I scale the wall of the Asterian Palace, like a deadly spider climbing its web. Moonlight illuminates the building, a giant white and gold structure that dominates the city of Astra with its tall spires and ivory walls. Surrounding it, there are lush gardens and courtyards, symbols of the opulence and power of Asteria's royal family.

Reaching the third floor, I find the window open just as the informant said. Slipping inside, I merge with the shadows, letting them cloak me in their comforting darkness. My black clothing helps me to blend in and I check the daggers at my sides, eager to drain the life from Alexander's body.

My hard, hazel eyes scan the environment. The palace is magnificent, a testament to the wealth of our kingdom. From the towering ceilings to the luxurious decor, it's abundantly clear that this place is meant to make a statement. A statement that seems to be repeating 'Look how rich we are!'. But the only thing important is that there are no guards around. So the intel is correct. Whoever paid the Phantom's Hand to assassinate Prince Alexander is definitely an insider, someone who works at the palace or knows it well. It could even be a high-ranking noble.

However, I must be careful. The Asterian Palace isn't just guarded by men with swords. The royal families have Arcanists protect its halls, capable of using magic. Even though the chances of meeting one are very slim, I need to tread diligently.

Long black hair flows over my shoulders as I navigate through the dark, empty hallway. The informant's intel had been spot on so far: no soldiers, no obstacles in my path. It seems too good to be true.

"Almost too easy..." I think to myself as I reach the set of stairs that will lead me to Alexander's chamber. I ascend the cold marble steps, my heart pounding. This is it – the moment I've been waiting for, the chance to exact my long-awaited revenge!

The report stated that Prince Alexander Hartley of Ironhold recently arrived at the Asterian Palace as an ambassador. The Phantom's Hand Clan received a mission to kill Alexander in exchange for ten thousand crowns and as soon as we were told about the assignment, I volunteered. I hate Alexander, he's the one responsible for my parents' deaths during the War of the Crimson Sun.

The memory hits me like a punch to the gut - my parents' lifeless bodies, charred and twisted. Our home engulfed in flames, smoke choking the sky, ashes swirling through the air like snow. The screams of my friends and neighbors, silenced forever by the cruel hands of fate. And standing among the destruction, his face etched with a smug smile, the young Prince Hartley.

My hatred for him fuels my determination as I reach the last floor of the east tower. I stand before a sturdy wooden door, the only thing separating me from my nemesis. I reach for the handle, but it doesn't budge – locked, of course. I roll my eyes in annoyance and take a deep breath, time to go to work! I kneel, picking up the lockpick from my pocket, and start working on the lock. I slide the metal pick inside, feeling for the pins. Truth be told, this is child's play for me.

Being an assassin comes pretty easily to me in general. After my parents died, I was taken in by the Phantom's Hand, the best assassin guild in all of Asteria. I did well in my classes: hand-to-hand combat, weapons, poisons, stealth... My masters were always impressed by my natural talents. The only subjects I didn't ace were Impersonation and Seduction; this is why they never sent me on undercover missions. To be honest, I'm pretty inept at those things. But that type of mission is more for nerds anyway! Everyone knows I'm the Phantom Hand's top assassin.

Reborn Assassin Princess: The Only Path To Revenge Is Falling In Love!Where stories live. Discover now