Chapter 4 Betrayal Tastes Like Chocolate Untitled Part 4

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"Ugh," I groan, rolling over in my bed and clutching my head dramatically as Lily enters the room with a tray of food. "It's like someone's stabbing me right behind the eyes."

"Your Highness," she says gently, placing the tray on the table beside me. "I brought you some soup and tea. And look, your friend sent you a box with sweets."

"Thank you, Lily," I manage to choke out before letting my head fall back onto the pillow. The truth is, I feel perfectly fine. The Sablethorn berries didn't seem to have any lasting effects, but I can't shake the suspicion that Princess Seraphina died of poisoning, and her body started to heal after I took over.

I don't dare eat any of the food the servants bring me, including the sweets. Instead, I've been sneaking out through the balcony at night and stealing vegetables from the rear garden, eating them raw. It's not ideal, but it's better than risking another poisoning attempt.

"Has anyone else fallen ill?" I ask, searching for clues.

Lily shakes her head. "No, Your Highness. Just you. The palace staff is quite worried about your sudden ailment." She says that, but no one else has visited me except for her and the doctor. As much as I appreciate Lily's visits and her attempts at cheering me up with her stories, it's just a bit disheartening.

"Are you not hungry, Your Highness?" Lily asks, concerned as always.

"Leave the tray, please," I say, forcing a weak smile. "I'll try to eat something later."

"Very well, Your Highness. I hope you feel better soon." Lily curtsies and leaves the room. As soon as the door clicks shut, I leap out of bed and head straight for the desk. I slide open the bottom drawer, and I take out Seraphina's diaries. I was fortunate to locate her diaries quickly. Even the ones from her childhood were tucked away inside a secret compartment of the divan near the window.

I consume their pages with a voracious hunger, starting with the most recent. Through each entry, I learn not just about Seraphina's daily activities, but her dreams, fears, and most intimate desires. I feel a twinge of guilt as I read them; it seems like a violation of her privacy. But still, it must be done if I want to survive.

"February 7th," one entry reads, "I visited the orphanage today, bringing them baskets of food and clothing. The children were so grateful, their eyes shining with happiness. It reminded me of my own childhood, growing up without parents to guide me. I only wish I could do more for them."

I can't help but feel a connection to Seraphina as I read her words. She was kind, caring, intelligent, and well-versed in history and the arts. If anything, she was too mild-mannered and lacked self-confidence. She was the type of person that others could take advantage of, or at least that's the impression I get from reading her diaries. What made her that way?

I decide to take a look at her childhood entries, and night catches me still immersed in the story. My heart aches with sadness as I read about her lonely upbringing. Like me, she was an orphan, having lost both her parents in a tragic accident when she was just a baby. Raised by the staff at the castle, Seraphina formed a close bond with her nanny, who passed away when she was only ten years old. Her uncle, King Benedict, never made an effort to be close to her.

"November 3rd," one entry reads, "Today would have been my dear nanny's birthday. I can't believe it's been so many years since she left us. I spent the afternoon in the gardens, picking her favorite flowers and arranging them around her portrait in my chambers." My chest tightens as I imagine the young princess mourning the loss of her closest friend, surrounded by the cold indifference of the royal court.

Another revelation catches me by surprise. Despite being born into the royal family, Seraphina was unable to wield magic herself due to a defective Arcane Sigil. This made her almost unmarriable, despite her status as royalty and potential heir to the throne should King Benedict die without offspring. No one wanted a woman who couldn't pass on the Arcanists' abilities.

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