Chapter 5: Old Friends, New Friends

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I peer through the keyhole, my heart pounding as I watch Tristan and Cecilia tangled together. Those damn bastards! How could they do this to Seraphina? Biting my lip, I press my ear against the door as they start talking.

"I can't stand it when you take Seraphina's hand and kiss it," Cecilia whines, her voice laced with irritation.

"Ah, but you don't have to worry, my dear," he coos playfully. "No one could ever bring me the same pleasure as you do." I can almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Still" - she huffs - "you shouldn't do that sort of thing when I'm in the room."

"Are you jealous...?" Tristan teases, drawing out the last word.

"I'm serious!" Cecilia bites back, her voice sharp enough to cut glass. "Did you see how healthy she looks?" she continues, not giving him a chance to respond. My ears perk up at the mention of Seraphina's health.

"I don't think the Sablethorn berries poison we put in her chocolates is having an effect anymore," Cecilia muses, her voice tinged with annoyance. "Is there a chance she became immune?"

"Maybe..." Tristan grumbles.

Aha! It was them, just as I suspected. Those two-faced creeps, after everything I... she had done for them. They are completely heartless!

"Ugh! How is it possible? I hate her!" Cecilia says. "She should've been dead by now, and instead, she's looking more radiant than ever! She looks stronger than she used to!"

I smile, satisfied. It seems my efforts to get in shape with a raw diet and an exercise plan have paid off – even though I could really do with some meat. Ah well, now that I know who was poisoning me, perhaps I can treat myself to a juicy steak...

"That bitch is a thorn in my side," Cecilia spits out.

"Come on, don't be so harsh..." Tristan reprimands her softly. "She's not a bad girl."

"You don't know her like I do," Cecilia replies coldly. "And you can kiss your promotion to Captain of the Royal Guard goodbye if we don't figure a way of getting rid of her. Now that I think of it, maybe..."

But at that point, my eavesdropping is interrupted by a hand that touches my shoulder. Surprised, I turn around to see Lily's innocent face.

"Princess Seraphina?" she asks, her eyes wide and curious. "What are you doing out of bed?"

I fake an awkward smile and say, "Well, I wanted to go for a stroll and was looking for you inside this room but clearly, you're not there because you're here in front of me! Haha, what are the odds?" My attempt at humor falls flat, but I try to keep up appearances.

Lily laughs, though it's a bit forced. She's sharp—she must sense something is off about the situation. Regardless, I grab her arm and ask her to please take me on a stroll through the garden, but first, bring me some juicy steak! I'm famished!

"Steak? At this hour?" Lily giggles, likely finding my request amusing. "Alright, Your Highness, if that's what you wish."

My heart races with anticipation as I walk arm-in-arm with Lily, trying to shake off what I just heard. It's now clear that Cecilia and Tristan have been plotting against Seraphina, and I need to put a stop to their treachery.


I sit at the small desk in my chamber, savoring the last bite of the delicious, gigantic steak I had devoured. The tender meat was a welcome change to the raw diet I had been following. As I wipe my mouth with a napkin, I take out my list from the desk drawer and, with a quill, add another point: "6. Avenge Princess Seraphina and expose Cecilia and Tristan." A surge of resolve washes through me as I plot how I will make things right for both Seraphina and myself.

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