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Ch. 3: The Exhibition

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I'm going to do it. I'm really going to do it.

My hands were trembling so badly that I actually had trouble grabbing hold of the curtains. But once I did, I ripped them open, staring out into the darkness.

It wasn't too late yet, but it was dark enough that I could already see the light shining from the houses across the street.

Luckily, Mason's house was sandwiched between the perfect houses to put on such a show. On his right was a single-floor house, meaning they wouldn't be able to see above the fence. And on his left was an old two-story belonging to an elderly couple.

I knew the couple well. I'd even been over to their house a few times myself. Which is why I knew their bedroom was on the ground floor. Apparently, Father Time takes your knees first. Now, their upstairs was mostly used for storage and the occasional overnight visit from their kids.

Mason, however, had the perfect view for the little show I had planned. The light was on in the room he'd watched me from last night, so it was probably safe to say that he was in there now. All I had to do was wait.

I went to my closet and grabbed a skimpy red lingerie from the back. Honestly, I almost felt nostalgic holding it. I used to love wearing lingerie. The smooth feeling of the satin against my skin, how sexy and powerful I felt when wearing it, and, of course, the reaction of the person who would see me wearing it.

However, that passion had died a long time ago. Even when I did still put in the effort with Phil, he was rarely ever home. I guess, over time, I got sick of getting all dressed up to surprise him only to be let down with another "late night at the office." Eventually, I stopped trying altogether. Now, the lingerie gathered dust at the back of my closet, only appearing twice a year or so whenever a "special occasion" popped up.

And tonight would be a very special occasion.

I smiled giddily at the little red slip in my hands. I walked over to the mirror and held it against my clothed body as if I were just testing how it might look on me. Like a spider in her web, I waited patiently for my sweet little fly to get captured by the bright red silk.

And that patience was greatly rewarded. After about ten minutes I caught a glimpse of a figure in my mirror. Mason walked past his window, shirtless, his hair dripping wet. I'm guessing he'd just gotten out of the shower.

At first, he just passed by the window. However, not ten seconds later, I watched as he walked by it again. I thought he might have forgotten something. But no. Instead, he hovered by the window, staring straight ahead at something on his wall.

What was he doing exactly? The answer came a moment later as he, ever so casually, tilted his head in my direction.

I was giggling like a schoolgirl whose crush had winked at her. I actually had to take a second to compose myself so I didn't give anything away. So, he was looking for me. Just as I thought. The "helpful neighbor" show he'd put on earlier had been just that. A show. Well, now he was the one about to witness a performance.

And he looked ready for it too. I saw the way his eyes widened as he noticed the red lingerie against my body. But I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of seeing it right away. No, I wanted to make him wait, to see exactly how far I could push him before giving him that satisfaction.

Slowly, purposefully. I folded up the lingerie neatly and set it on top of my dresser. "Put away", but still perfectly within his line of site. A sweet little temptation to keep him right where I wanted him.

My clothes today had been pretty modest, a knee-length skirt and a long-sleeved shirt for the slightly chilly weather. I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it onto my bed. My skirt I unzipped and let it fall to my ankles before kicking it off to the side. Quick, simple, and efficient. I didn't put any effort into trying to make it "look sexy." Aside from doing us both the favor of skipping over the frumpy "practical housewife" clothes, it also helped to push the idea that I had no idea he was watching me.

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