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Ch. 15: Powerful

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True to his word, Mason didn't bother trying to hold himself back anymore. He slipped his hand into my jeans without any hesitation, pressing lightly as he followed the soft lace down between my legs.

I practically melted under his touch. A whimper of pleasure slipped from my lips as his fingers brushed over my sweet spot.

His eyes flickered with excitement and mischief at the sound. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he started to think of all the ways he could take advantage of this little discovery of his.

After a second, he seemed to settle on one. A small smile played on his lips as he slipped a finger under the lace and tugged upwards.

I gasped as the fabric suddenly bunched together, pressing against my sweet spot. He chuckled softly leaning his other arm against the bed. He rested his head on his hand, watching my face with an amused look as he repeatedly tugged and released the fabric, causing it to rub against me.

The damn bastard was enjoying himself. Although, I guess I couldn't exactly say that I wasn't enjoying all this. I was just impatient. I wanted him to touch me. Really touch me. And I wanted to touch him too.


"Yes?" he asked playfully, tugging the lace back.


A small cry of pleasure left my lips as he suddenly released it, letting it snap back against my sweet spot. Again, his eyes flashed with pleasure and amusement as he watched my reaction. He smiled, shrugging vaguely.

"Oops. Sorry. My fingers must have slipped."

I glared at him. Fine. If that's how he wanted to play it, then two could play at that game.

I slid my hand down my jeans, pushing the lace aside so I could tease my lower lips. I laid back against the bed, humming contentedly as I played with myself.

"Hey, hey, don't have all the fun without me," Mason said, a slight panic in his voice.

"Oops. Sorry. My fingers must have slipped," I teased.

I loved this. This back-and-forth cat-and-mouse game we were playing for dominance. It was fun beating him like this. Watching his carefully laid plans crumble as I threw something at him that he never expected.

That said, I wasn't exactly opposed to losing either. Which was good, considering the fact that he seemed bound and determined to make sure that I did.

With defiance in his eyes, he slid off of the bed and got onto his knees on the floor. My heart fluttered as he started tugging my jeans off. He tossed them over to the side somewhere and grabbed my knees, spreading my legs wide.

"H-hey! What are you doing?" I asked.

"What?" He asked innocently, resting his head against my thigh. "You're the one who decided to put on a show. I just wanted to make sure I have a front-row seat for it. Although, maybe I should take my pants off first. Based on that video you sent me, I might be in the splash zone right now."

My cheeks burned with shame and excitement at his words. Did he really expect me to touch myself right now? And was he really going to sit right there and watch me while I did?

My heart pounded at the thought and the soft chuckle he let out a moment later certainly didn't help.

"Aww, what's wrong? Shy? It's a little late for you to be playing the innocent maiden now, don't you think?" he commented, turning his head to place a kiss on my thigh. "Although, if you have stage fright, then I might be willing to help you out. If you ask me nicely, that is."

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by RipperGirl88
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